A 45 year old Chicagoan's observations and commentary on top news, pop culture and an accounting of the Obama Regime and their 'statist' power grab from my unabashed, right leaning/conservative point of view..
This is our culture; fight for it. This is our flag; pick it up. This is our country; take it back. –Tom Tancredo
"Obama will turn the entire US into the south side of Chicago" - Chicago Ray
God Bless America...
Coming from Buffalo Grove IL, 20 miles NW of King Richard Daley's
Fiefdom AKA Chicago,Illinois,USA the land of the free because of the brave..
Here's one of my first posts and observations on a then potential Obama presidency in Feb 07/ I'm no prophet believe you me..... it was all common sense far too many today simply 'lack',
George Mason explained, “(T)o disarm the people (is) the best and most effectual way to enslave them.” Noah Webster elaborated: “Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed
These people have incredible video of illegals, Armed terrorists, you name it invading the country each second of every day..
This will be airing in about 30 minutes, if your a fan of the Blackhawks don't miss it. They participate in the opening monologue a little bit, it's worth a glance since that's the only part of the show I really watch anyways. Or you can just watch it below if you want
The Central Division leaders have been in the spotlight since arriving in Los Angeles on Monday. Not long after landing on the West Coast, captain Jonathan Toews and alternate captain Patrick Kane headed to ESPN's L.A. studio, where they taped a segment for SportsCenter and also announced the top 10 plays of the day.
Twenty-four hours later, Kane, Toews and the rest of the Blackhawks found themselves at NBC Studios, where they attended a taping of 'The Tonight Show with Jay Leno.'
'The whole team sat in the crowd,' Kane told NHL.com from Los Angeles on Tuesday night. 'Myself, Jonathan Toews, Duncan Keith and Brent Seabrook -- all the medal winners -- had a little part in the show. It was pretty cool.'
Kane received a little extra attention, considering he was the lone American among the Olympians on Chicago's roster. He appreciated the feedback he received from the audience.
'He introduced me and I got a pretty big cheer,' said Kane, who hails from Buffalo, N.Y. 'We got a big cheer when he introduced the team. It was pretty cool to see.'" more
Chicago Blackhawks Appear On "Tonight Show with Jay Leno"Tonight
The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it.
H. L. Mencken
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In Memory Of Our Fallen
The land of the free because of the brave.....
We remember they and their loved ones' immeasurable sacrifices each and every day on this blog and in life each day.
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