Is that the dumbest damn headline you've ever seen in your life?
Warns against walking in front of moving trains? Just because some "dumb as dirt" lady (with her three year old godchild in her arms that was also killed because of her dumb ass) did it here last weekend, doesn't mean the entire population is as freaking stupid as she obviously was.
Warns against walking in front of moving trains? Just because some "dumb as dirt" lady (with her three year old godchild in her arms that was also killed because of her dumb ass) did it here last weekend, doesn't mean the entire population is as freaking stupid as she obviously was.
Then again, nowadays maybe there are a lot more of these dumb f***s than we think surrounding us everywhere we turn.
Just when you thought that headline was ignorant enough, look at the stupidity in the caption under this video that says .......
"Metra warns against crossing in front of moving trains. The results could be deadly."
- Crossing In Front Of Trains Could Be Deadly (the commercial preceding the video is some obnoxious and loud woman, so turn down your sound!)
No sh** Einstein!!! These Channel 2 website folks sure must have went to college sharing that wisdom, maybe even with Obama at Occidental college which was renamed Accidental College after Obama left. (couldn't resist that one)
Or they're so full of themselves they think we're all morons out here. Frankly they are correct in many instances, at least in the ones that make the news that is.
Oh my freakin ***, how damn dumb are the people around us today? When I was a kid in the 70's the only people who walked in front moving trains were committing suicide. If you do this just once you deserve to die, as much as I'm not a believer of evolution Darwin's theory seems to be proving itself more and more each day I guess.
Oh my freakin ***, how damn dumb are the people around us today? When I was a kid in the 70's the only people who walked in front moving trains were committing suicide. If you do this just once you deserve to die, as much as I'm not a believer of evolution Darwin's theory seems to be proving itself more and more each day I guess.
Why take a chance? A desperate plea from Metra about people who try to beat the train. Metra gave CBS 2 video of a weekend case. As Kristyn Hartman reports, it shows how a split second decision can be deadly.With the warning bells and lights, you know a train is coming your way. But that doesn't stop drivers who don't want to wait.'You also see people running across the tracks, trying to make the trains as well,' said frequent passenger Roderick Martin.Another passenger, Paul Antonou, explained why he's done it.'People are in a hurry, you know,' he said.Martin described it as a news story waiting to happen.On Saturday, it did happen. there's a bit more of this story here....
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