> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: How Dumb is Obama? Either this dumb or.......

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

How Dumb is Obama? Either this dumb or.......

He just has no soul and no compunction whatsoever about lying his ass off any time it will improve his arguments if they can even be called that. This is from Bob Parks' "Black and White" site.which I frequent

Three thousand percent? Lets see, my healthcare premium a months as an MS suffer? $4000 a year through ICHIP of Illinois, which in layman's terms means Illinois Comprehensive Health Insurance pool for those of us in the state who are uninsurable due to pre existing conditions. A 3000% decrease means my health insurance would then be around $112.50."
So he lies about that too, because health insurance IS available for citizens who can't get it as the link above just proved. It just costs up the ying yang to get it, like everything else in America today worth a damn.

And the only reason for that is lawsuits against doctors filed by people like Obama himself and his POS buddy John "Scum of the earth" Edwards. 

Tort reform and deportation of all illegal aliens solves all the problems in the medical field overnight,  and everyone on earth who doesn't swig Obama's poison KoolAid knows it.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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