> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Now The Muslim Pirates have Been Nuetered, What About Obama BrownBeard?

Monday, April 13, 2009

Now The Muslim Pirates have Been Nuetered, What About Obama BrownBeard?

Gotta love Obama taking all the credit for the rescue of the brave captain 5 days too late as even I said this on the very first day of the crisis:

Man I said that the first day in this post, one of 5 on this subject, this one April 9th:

"I just hope they drop the money and take these fuckers out with long range weaponry once they poke their cowardly heads out of this lifeboat they are apparently holding this brave captain hostage in"

That's exactly what they did 5 days later....So if Obama listens to me they do the same on the first afternoon instead of Obama spending more time avoiding the issue jerking off over keeping his bullshit campaign promise to his daughters he thought he could wiggle out of the weasel he is.......

Then I said this on the second day of the crisis:
If this indeed is a picture of these morons and the authorities are close enough to see these fk'ers to take a photo, than they're close enough to take them all out at once with 2 or 3 sharpshooters and one sweep of a M60 or M2 Browning long range machine gun starting with the one with the knife to the captains neck out first you would think.
You would think...... yet all the jerking around with the Washington bureaucrats afraid to make the wrong call were damn lucky not to cost this man and the others their lives would be smarter than this Chicago blogger but they weren't and aren't/


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. Look, all's well that ends well, but I don't think we should have waited 5 days.. we were lucky that they didn't kill the good Captain by then

  2. Man I said that the first day in this post, one of 5 on this subject, this one April 9th:

    "I just hope they drop the money and take these fuckers out with long range weaponry once they poke their cowardly heads out of this lifeboat they are apparently holding this brave captain hostage in"

    That's exactly what they did 5 days later....


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