> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: US Getting Suckered Into Terror Payoff, Brave Captain As The Bait

Thursday, April 9, 2009

US Getting Suckered Into Terror Payoff, Brave Captain As The Bait

I just hope they drop the money and take these f88ckers out with long range weaponry once they poke their cowardly heads out of this lifeboat they are apparently holding this brave captain hostage in, or better yet drop frogmen underneath the thing and take these cavemen out somehow before letting them get away with a 10 million dollar payment.

The terrorists are taking it up a notch thanks to the weakness and blood in the water they smell from MetroMan Obama.

I certainly don't want this brave soul to die so I say give them the money with tracking devices and die packs to take em out later.

Don't let these people outsmart us and who's to say they won't kill this poor man anyways I hate the thought....

My Way News - FBI hostage negotiators head to pirate standoff: "NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) - The United States called in FBI hostage negotiators and a U.S. destroyer kept close watch on a lifeboat where Somali pirates held an American ship captain Thursday, a day after the bandits hijacked a U.S.-flagged vessel before being overpowered.

The pirates took Capt. Richard Phillips as a hostage as they escaped the Maersk Alabama into the lifeboat in the first such attack on American sailors in around 200 years. Negotiations were believed to be under way, a relative of the captain said, but it was not clear who was conducting them."


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. Well, I would say that this constitutes the first terror attack in 8 yrs. But, when you tell the world we are not at war with Islam, I guess that signals the all clear.

  2. So far that bucking ofama has done just what I want to see him do in a case like this----ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! Let the Military and FBI handle it, they know a lot more than he does about these things.

    The FBI is handling the negotiations, but that word does not necessarily mean a cash payout. More likely it means we might let you live IF you give it up--right now! Another scenario is that bad weather and no fuel will spell trouble for the pirates. If that 28 foot boat gets swamped, so won't their guns. Save our captain and leave the rest for shark food.


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