> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Here's A Shocker, Kim Jong Il Re elected to a new term!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Here's A Shocker, Kim Jong Il Re elected to a new term!

No really he was re elected sort of....
Well I'm sure the voters came out in droves celebrating the North Korean's widely admired voting process, especially among many voters joining the growing Socialist movement in the Wusstern Hemisphere of late.

United Nations Election official Jimmy Carter proclaimed the elections to be fair and balanced, and was invited to a later dinner with the North Korean leader after the election victory was official and all 40 votes tallied, as the former forgotten president proclaimed the whole experience quite invigorating, reminded him of the last election he oversaw in Gaza a few years back...
Alright here's the real story....

North Korea's rubber-stamp parliament has appointed Kim Jong Il to a third term as president. Kim began ruling North Korea in 1994, following the death of his father. He has not been seen in public for months because of an apparent stroke. (April 9)


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. Sounds funny now. What happens when Obama runs in 2012 and ACORN is the group counting the votes?

  2. Sadly Matthew, the same thing that happened at this one, and every local election since Kennedy here in Chicago ...minus the token Harold Washington years when the minorities came out in Armies for the color and they didnt need the Acorn like people then...


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