> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: World Goes Mad Because Children Can No Longer Be Disciplined

Thursday, April 9, 2009

World Goes Mad Because Children Can No Longer Be Disciplined

Kids who have been in abusive homes for years are never heard about or of until they end up dead and this is how government reacts, by taking away the kid of a poor mother that smacked the youngster with get this now A HAIRBRUSH!!

"Oh the nerve of that woman acting like a mother disciplining her semi obnoxious child, where does she get off trying to tell this kid what to do, doesn't she know by now that kids nowadays just raise themselves? Especially without fathers, who needs them nowadays, if Madonna can do it alone anyone can right?"

Wrong and wrong again and again. This is what's wrong with the world today and what is now coming to fruition, a word with adults raised half assed by half assed families gravitating to high places in power absent of morality and values that can't be instilled because the family is fragmented so the state steps in and then the whole things becomes just another man made or woman made clusterfu**. So we end up with crooked politicians, cooked executives, crappy teachers, crooked cops and so on right straight into anarchy which about where we are at.

Please tell me what the Mail online is missing from their little illustration here which also makes nary a mention of it in this story below

Overhwelmed mother absent father is the problem with this
picture and the world for that matter, too tough for liberals of today
to figure out I suppose. The state wasn't meant to be Mommy and Daddy
and this article proves it.
Mother who smacked her son with hairbrush in a 'moment of madness' is forced to give him up to social services

| Mail Online: "A mother who smacked her son with a hairbrush in a 'moment of madness' when he refused to get ready for school has been forced to give him up to social services.

The woman, aged in her early 40s, said she 'saw red' when the rebellious youngster would not dress himself in the morning.

She was holding a hairbrush at the time and struck him twice on the shoulder in a desperate bid to to hurry him up.

The woman immediately apologised but her fit of frustration landed her in court after a teacher spotted the lad in the pain and informed child protection officers."

The boy was taken into emergency foster care - and the mother was hauled before magistrates for assault.

She is now allowed to see her son for only two hours per week after pleading guilty to assault by beating.

South Somerset Magistrates Court heard the woman, from Yeovil, Somerset., wanted her son to look 'perfect' for school.

Judy Morris, prosecuting, said: 'The teacher said the boy appeared to be happy, but said his shoulder hurt and when interviewed on video said he had got up late and his mum was angry and sad.

'She then hit him on the shoulder once with the back and once with the spikes of the hairbrush.

'He said he was not scared of his mum, although she was really stressed out and thought she needed help as she wanted him to be perfect.'

She immediately apologised to her son before taking him to school, where he later told a teacher that he was in pain.

Last night a spokesman for Somerset Council said:'Children's Social Care are working closely with the mother to enable her to return to caring for her son.'

They refused to discuss the background to the case, or the reasons for their extreme intervention which is bound to re-fuel the debate over the smacking of children by parents.

It is illegal for a parent to hit a child if it leaves a bruise but a lighter smack or 'reasonable chastisement' is allowed. continued at the article ad halfway down)


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. I think your talking about this shit bill U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child, And it they think they're gonna enforce that thing they're higher than Snoop Dogg on mon thru sun.

    And should they try to push their luck they'll all be around their tv sets crying "what a good president he coulda been if....."

  2. Ray - are you 'f'ing kidding me? How can this crap go on? One time I had contact with a family, husband and wife that were both 250k salary phd pshycologists. They had the worst, most maniacal out of control children I have ever seen. First-hand I saw this. That is all.

  3. Hey kids in all circles can be unruly and obnoxious, in wealthy people's children are usually the most spoiled and obnoxious. But certainly a fatherless child is without a doubt more apt to become troubled in so many ways they can't even be counted.

    Almost all kids need their asses whipped from time to time and now if they get a whoopin they go to school and some do gooder teacher perhaps trying to do the right thing causes more headaches for all, or the single mother in this case.

    Then again the woman could be an obnoxious child beating liar, so it's hard to say what's right or wrong, I'm just making a general statement that society doesnt allow parents to even raise their own children without interference because of the few crappy parents

  4. Thank God that UN bullshit needs a 2/3 vote! Hopefully we won't have to many traiters this time!

    We HAVE GOT to get the Hell OUT of the UN!

  5. Hopefully our people don't vote for it and as far as I'm concerned, I say bulldoze that shi*hole right into the water with all the commies and socialist in it AA......


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