> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: "Porkulus Sotero" Himself Calls for Cuts To Wasteful Spending?

Today's world headlines

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

"Porkulus Sotero" Himself Calls for Cuts To Wasteful Spending?

Is this guy in the same planet as you and I? I'm beginning to wonder about his mental health as to whether or not he's such a pathological liar that he simply cannot keep track of all the lies and bullshit he spreads around like a wandering pack of Angus bulls. I once knew a guy just like everyone else out there that everytime he spoke a new lie came out of his mouth and this is no exaggeration.

I used to tweak him by challenging him every time a new one emerged by comparing it to something he said previously that contradicted what we just heard come out of his mouth ovr and over, until he finally stopped talking when I was around knowing that someone had his number, we all started calling this liar BogusJoe.

I'm happen to be one of these people who has a tape recorder like memory that serves me well for both useful purposes in addition to remembering the most useless minutiae that most people simply forget about the very second they hear it.

And because of that I wish I could sit in on an Obama press conference for just one session so I could smoke him out in front of an audience of millions by bouncing his past statements off him to compare with the fresh bs emerging from his mouth every other sentence, like when he starts saying and recommending stupid crap like this headline the Associated Press is touting this morning below called "Obama to outline plan to cut wasteful spending"

McCain hassled Obama about this very subject if you recall when he challenged him in a news conference about his chopper fleet of Marine One's that budget at about 11 billion A YEAR!! We wrote about that here....

Image from rushlimbaugh.com a month ago
The king of Government Pork Bills is now going to start cutting wasteful spending?

Is he starting with his stimulus pork fest I would assume, all $ 850 bil of it? Then the obscene Omnibus spending bill that cherry topped about another 400 billion on top of that, and then the 3.5 trillion dollar budget? Or does it all start AFTER that? You know the answer to that I'm sure.

Obama to outline plan to cut wasteful spending:

My Way News - "WASHINGTON (AP) - President Barack Obama is outlining a plan Wednesday to cut back on wasteful spending, saying it would save Americans tens of billions of dollars.

Obama intended to explain how federal contracts waste taxpayer dollars and how his administration plans to curb that. The White House said the president wants to change how contracts are awarded.

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack and Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano also are expected to talk about wasteful spending when they visit the White House.

It's part of the administration's plan to boost Americans' confidence in Washington.

During last week's White House meetings on the nation's financial future, lawmakers and officials bluntly told top Obama aides that government contracts needed to be handled in a better way. The president's own fleet of Marine One helicopters became an illustration of out-of-control spending.

Arizona Sen. John McCain, Obama's Republican rival during last year's presidential election, dryly told Obama, 'Your helicopter is now going to cost as much as Air Force One.'

Obama said he already had spoken with Defense Secretary Robert Gates about the fleet of 28 Marine One helicopters that is now over budget at $11.2 billion, a price that has almost doubled since the Navy started the project


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. hee, hee good blog Mr. Ray where in the world did you ever find that picture. it's the greatest.

  2. I usually do them myself but that particular one I stole from Rush's website a few weeks ago for another post I did on this porkulus crapola.

    I do many photoshops a week and am building a monster slide show encompassing them all, but you can see the older ones I've done here if you wish...


Some rules: No leftwing attacks nor Obama supporters so don't waste you're time & especially mine. All 99% others welcome to have your say.

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