> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Rosanna Pulido Wins Republican Nomination For The 5th District In Chicago

Today's world headlines

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Rosanna Pulido Wins Republican Nomination For The 5th District In Chicago

Although you'd never know it as the MSM here is so juiced for Democrats in this town you barely find her name mentioned in the gushing over the Dem winner, present Cook county commissioner Mike Quigley, just another rising dem cog in the Daley machine here in Illinois.

A state who's fate is sadly determined by the city of Chicago at the present time and for the foreseeable future, yet with the former governor and Roland Burris worldwide circus and embarrassment that's just occurred, that could all change and fast in Republican Conservative's favor which Rosannna Pulido is hopefully the first one.

Story after story grace the websites of the local newspapers here tonight slobbering all over Quigley as if he has just automatically won the seat, which gives weight to the reason why many simply don't show up to vote election after election. Leaving us always ending up with same old people starting out with great intentions becoming more and more corrupted as they make their way up the political patronage ladder, particularly here.

However, the untold story to many this morning is the fact that the woman that we've supported here and will continue through to April 7th's election has gotten the republican nomination, and truly does have an uphill battle in Daley's kingdom to become the next Congressperson from that famous chunk of Chicago where the dems on the main stage today got their start.

I give Rosanna all the credit in the world for having the gumption to try and make a change in this city owned by democrats, and all we can do for her is keep working and hoping that by some small miracle with the race now focused on just three candidates (green party's Reichel gets in with 128 votes?) instead of twelve, she can get some more coverage from the corrupt local media to surprise Chicago and the world in April with a huge win over Mike Quigley.

Not to mention the likely mountain of money being sent out here by Obama and Emmanuel to make sure they get a democrat in this seat at all costs to spend all that still secret stimulus cash coming Daley's way.

Congratulations out tonight to Ms Pulido and onward we all go to April 7.

Here's the local news rundown on Rosanna so far this morning and here's her website link

Pulido wins congressional candidacy challenge

chicagotribune.com: "Rosanna Pulido, founder of the Illinois Minutemen Project and a vocal opponent of illegal Immigration, has survived a petition challenge and will be on the Republican ballot in the 5th Congressional District primary March 3.

Pulido is a frequent and often feisty guest on the local talk-radio circuit and should prove to be an interesting candidate. The challenge to her candidacy was mounted Joshua Hoyt, executive director of the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights. According to Pulido's campaign, Hoyt even questioned the validity of the signature of Pulido's father."
And this about wraps it up, pretty biased coverage I would conclude wouldn't anyone with a breath of honesty left in them.?
Quigley, Pulido, Reichel to face off for Emanuel's seat

WREX.com – Rockford’s News Leader –: "CHICAGO (AP) - Voter turnout in tonight's special primary election for former U.S. Rep. Rahm Emanuel's seat was a low 17%.

The 5th Congressional District has 348,678 registered voters in the city of Chicago and Cook County suburbs.

The three candidates who'll face off for the seat on April 7 have been chosen.

With 98% of precincts reporting, Democratic Cook County Commissioner Mike Quigley won his party's nomination with 11,814 or 22.2% of the vote.

On the Republican side, Rosanna Pulido won the GOP nomination with 969 votes or 25% with 98% of precincts reporting.

The Green Party leader was Mathew Reichel with 164 votes, or 34% with 98% of precincts reporting."


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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