> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Hussein Obama and Lady 'Gag me' Race Toward 10 Million Facebook Fans - America Races Towards Abyss

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Hussein Obama and Lady 'Gag me' Race Toward 10 Million Facebook Fans - America Races Towards Abyss

Here's 20 million dipwads you won't find on my Facebook friends list.

Anyone not in that group add your name to my list right away btw... and we on the right can use this as a handy checklist of people to keep our eyes on so we can segregate the GagaBaMorons from the rest of society ;) lol
Stepping away from the upcoming midterm elections for a moment, there is another heated competition that has been getting some press. In this case, however, the results will likely have no impact on which party assumes control over Congress.

The contest in question here is between President Obama and Lady Gaga who, according to CNN, are competing to be the first living person to garner more than 10 million fans on the popular social networking site Facebook.

According to CNN, Facebook publicists informed them that the two are currently neck-in-neck in the race to 10 million, and that as of early this morning, Mr. Obama had the lead by about a 30,000 fans.

That, however, is no longer the case. As of early this afternoon, Lady Gaga has surged past the president now claiming 9,142,866 fans to his 9,111,970.

It should be noted that Mr. Obama's page is run by the group Organizing for America, which is part of the Democratic National Committee.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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