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Monday, May 10, 2010

Remembering Lena Horne..

When we were kids I remember her being hot stuff man, on Sesame Street I remember her singing ABC's which is linked at the bottom. I thought they had a Flintstone cameo with her too, but I couldn't find  anything on that...musta been dreaming that one I guess. lol.

While growing up in the 60's and 70's she was always amongst the classiest acts in Hollywood, in the days when the stars where all in competition to see which one could shine the brightest. 

Not like today's Hollywood Sparkler's since you cannot call them "stars" who are all in competition with one another to see who could bash the country the most while banking the most unreal coin while doing it on their way to an early death laughing and mocking middle America the entire time.

Today they're all shooting stars that burn out before they even lit up the sky. Actresses and musicians versatile as she who have been around in the business when and where it all began, like the Jackson 5 when the performers could dance, sing, act, they could do everything.  Those good old  days are definitely gone a little more forever each time one more from the "greatest generation"  leaves us,  naturally. 

America needs more women and men like she at a time where we see less and less when you have women who disdain women like her blessed with God given talent an beauty very few are graced with in this life.

May she RIP.

And you can click this pic for a good Time.com Slide Show of her lifetimeline  ....


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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