> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: "Euro-Peeon" Vacation or Hoax Video?

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Monday, May 10, 2010

"Euro-Peeon" Vacation or Hoax Video?

This is a Swedish Youtube in which it appears a man can't figure out where he's washing his hands if real..

If it is, then this dude featured is like a real live 'Cousin Eddie' from the Vacation franchise ,now starring in the Peequel “Euro-Peeon Vacation”…..

YouTube - Händewaschen Ultra Fail


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. Sounded like an American,,do the Sweeds have legalized marijuana?

  2. I read here that they have the harshest drug laws in Europe which I couldn't believe when I read it. I thought it was a legal drug haven, I was wrong.

  3. Bloviating ZeppelinMonday, May 10, 2010

    I fear that IS an American who has, ahem, had just a bit TOO much to drink.  I think he may have been confused by the EASY access to the pissers which were, apparently, NOT shielded from much of any passers-by.  Combine those two points and you have the blue hockey puck and yellow piss.  Hey, at least piss is sterile.



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