> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Absolute Outrage: Obama Targets Military for Pay Reductions | How 'Bout Congress and Executive Pay Cuts?

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Monday, May 10, 2010

Absolute Outrage: Obama Targets Military for Pay Reductions | How 'Bout Congress and Executive Pay Cuts?

 They're the ones' who are severely overpaid and the military men and women severely underpaid so there congress and the PINO are giving us to kick their fat and rich asses out of congress in Nov and the White House in December.

Obama administration is “pleading” with Congress to give military personnel a much smaller increase in pay than proposed by lawmakers.

So in fact it's not even Congress, it's Obumble himself giving the soldiers the Kenyan shaft.

When does this man's popularity fall through the floor, when a  Mosque is built next to ground Zero or when the Nuke stockpile is disclosed for the first time to our devout enemies who Obama's apparently working for? Well he already did those things so apparently it'll take more to wake up the liberal  "homo erectum" species of human.

So keep the money from the underpaid soldiers so they can give the money to all the lazy asses out there who won't work or for 'Homosexual STD's and AIDS don't mix" along with 'Why Postman go Postal' studies and all the other stuff they waste our money on each minute of the day.

Remember the dumb college schooled Army colonel in Stripes, played by John Laroquette?

That's Obama as Commander in Chief, this is what he's doing in the oral office.

Outrage: Obama Administration Targets Military for Pay Reductions

President Barack Obama – who came to power with the help of government employee unions across the nation – and has lavished on them hundreds of billions in stimulus funds to keep them on federal, state and local payrolls with no strings attached – is moving to cut spending on salaries for military personnel.

This weekend the Washington Post headlined story, "Pentagon Asking Congress to Hold Back on Generous Increases in Troop Pay,”, disclosed that the Obama administration is “pleading” with Congress to give military personnel a much smaller increase in pay than proposed by lawmakers.

The Pentagon is arguing Congress has been simply too generous with troops over the last decade.

In fact, lawmakers have lavished so much money on troops, according to the Post, that service members are now better compensated than workers in the private sector with similar experience and education levels.

For example, the military brass claims that an average sergeant in the Army with four years of service and one dependent would receive $52,589 in annual compensation, according to the paper. This figure includes basic pay, housing and subsistence allowances, as well as tax benefits.

Meanwhile, a U.S. Postal letter carrier, with no supervisory or hazardous duty, makes approximately $80,000 a year when all benefits are factored in.  continued at Newsmax


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. It'll never happen.  His approval ratings would tank because there is no way that he can spin greed against the military as anyone (just about) can serve.

  2. This is really not all that surprising although I find it disgusting.

    Look at how European nations fund their military spending as opposed to entitlement spending and you get a clear picture as to what Hussein conciders change.

  3. Never tell a man who carries a loaded assult rifle that they will not be getting a pay raise.  Next thing will be to tell him he will have to take a pay cut.

    Will no one rid us of this evil Messiah?

  4. "OOO" is doing everything he can to break down the MORALE of our soldiers in uniform.  He's going to have his own army who cowtow to him; not real fighting men & women.



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