> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Danny Glover Called Out for Not Having Hand Over Heart During Color Guard Ceremony

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Sunday, May 9, 2010

Danny Glover Called Out for Not Having Hand Over Heart During Color Guard Ceremony

Well, you don't see anything nefarious, but he, Danny Glover, is loudly instructed by someone to put his hand over his heart right in the middle of the anthem and color guard ceremony. (55 second mark as the post indicates is accurate)

Being the devout anti American Leftist he is we can assume he was like the only person in the room worth multi millions spitting all over American tradition and respect.

"Put your hand over your heart, Glover!"

Editor's note: At the :55 mark you can hear the shout of instruction to Glover. The actor maintains he "typically cover his heart during flag ceremonies and he meant no disrespect." The related article below also quotes him saying: "I probably wasn't the only one in there who didn't put a hand over their heart." This video shows that nearly everyone that can be seen did place hands over hearts.

The Salt Lake Tribune: Utah State University's 123rd commencement ceremony Saturday, featuring keynote speaker Danny Glover, will likely be remembered more for the actor's controversy than his celebrity...
Breitbart.tv » Danny Glover Chided for Not Placing Hand Over Heart During Flag Ceremony


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. Ray this is my home state. When you are in Utah put your hand over your heart if you are an American Citizen. Even you you want to sleep in the same bed as Hugo Chavez and have his baby!

  2. Oh I'm with you entirely on that...he should do it in any damn state. I'm sick of left wing radical communists, when did it become acceptable for  people to openly brag and embrace freakin Communism?

    >:o >:o It's like everything, whatever feels good at any cost ....


Some rules: No leftwing attacks nor Obama supporters so don't waste you're time & especially mine. All 99% others welcome to have your say.

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