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Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day All !

Dear Mother, on this special day, There are some things I want to say.
I thank you, first, for being You. You've encouraged me my whole life through.
You have my love, I hope you know, Although not always does it show.
I use this simple means today To send such special love your way.

Mother of mine, I love you so! You mean more to me than you'll ever know.
I wish I could make your dreams come true, For no one deserves it more than you.
But since I can't, then all I'll say, Is that I wish you a Great Mother's Day!

You raised me well, my Mother dear. You wiped away my every tear.
You always seemed to have a smile To help me go that extra mile.
Thank you, Mother, for being there, Right by my side, no matter where.
I give to you my heartfelt loveAnd wish you blessings from above.

1997 Leona L. Littlefield

Unfortunately I lost my beautiful and most beloved mother Joyce almost 3 years ago on November 29, 2007, which happened sadly enough to be my 42nd birthday, after she suffered the final 2 years of her life with severe and painful gastrointestinal deterioration.

Resulting in 3 colon operations and roughly a million dollars worth of health care and bills that wasn't enough to save her I regretfully share.

With all the miserable complaining going on in this country today about lack of free health care, and empty promises of cures and such from hucksters like Barack Obama and Arlen Specter, hers wasn't free even with health insurance that cost some $350 a month being retired at 58.
This was us on my college graduation day in 1988.

Anyhow, she, my younger married brother, father and myself spent countless wonderful moments and times together over 42 years that I will always cherish and greatly miss every single day of my life forward. Fortunately, she had a wonderfully full and completely healthy life until those final years as the best mom anyone could ever wish for, but a wonderful life that still ended far too soon at age 62.

So today isn't exactly my favorite day of the year any more, yet that won't stop me from wishing a Happy Mother's Day to those of you out there who are lucky enough to be still spending and sharing life and times with your mothers today and the other days, which I am doing here to you all with this little post.

However I do offer those good wishes with one caveat for all, which is sage advice to value and cherish these and all the other normal days to their fullest, as you never know when a day comes that you may wake up and they will all come to an unexpected sad end, and you surely don't want to regret not having enjoyed them all to their fullest while you and she are still here together to be loved and appreciated.

Have a great day


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. What a beautiful post Ray.  I know how sad you feel for your loss.  Your Mother was very beautiful, and
    I'm sure she is very proud of you, and all you do.  I know this isn't our happiest of days, but we will
    carry on and honour their memories.  Take Care & God Bless.

  2. Touching post Ray.  What a bittersweet day for you...

    Where would we be without our moms?

    Here's a snippet of William Ross Wallace:

    <p> <span>Woman, how divine your mission</span>
    </p><p> <span>Here upon our natal sod!</span>
    </p><p> <span>Keep, oh, keep the young heart open</span>
    </p><p> <span>Always to the breath of God!</span>
    </p><p> <span>All true trophies of the ages</span>
    </p><p> <span>Are from mother-love impearled;</span>
    </p><p> <span>For the hand that rocks the cradle</span>
    </p><p> <span>Is the hand that rules the world.</span></p>

  3. Thanks for the kind words and the nice poem Kurt and HMD to your fine wife and moms.....

    <span>Without these American Mothers we're nothing and now society without fathers has been exposed as a liberal SHAM/ Destroying the family as if a human is like a toad or a butterfly and need no parental guidance at all, just a test tube and a bored Welfare queen who needs more crack cash.   I'm actually surprised they don't pay these people to have abortions, they may as well because they're sure gonna suck as parents.  
    A single mother cannot handle this stuff today no way...I mean from here out...It's gonna take 2 people to pay the bills and  gen's to clean up this liberal indoctrination assembly line they've built up under our noses..</span>

  4. Sorry for your loss my friend.  You will see her again. This was a very touching post.

  5. Thank you so much Ray for your Mother's Day wish for all of us; and I'm so sorry for your loss.  She looks like such a special lady and a JOY.  Her smile is beautiful.  I can understand why you miss her so much.  That's a good pic of you two.  Really appreciate your sharing how special your mother was to you.  Love, Tim & Margie


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