> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Obama's Chicago Dr Buddy Getting A Federal Anal Probe

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Saturday, May 8, 2010

Obama's Chicago Dr Buddy Getting A Federal Anal Probe

Once again we're all supposed to suspend disbelief and believe that Barack Hussein Obama, a man who was groomed and indoctrinated into the "Chicago Way" which we all now across the nation is as crooked as Cripple Creek, (something we non liberals have known for decades of being literally surrounded by these Democratic Machine criminals in Chicago politics) is the ONLY ONE along with King Richard who are clean? 

Oh sure...... and they stopped looking at Porn in the Obama government at the SEC starting this week as well,  right along with this whopper: 

Obamacare is going to LOWER HEALTH COSTS...

What f*_(&()*^ ..idiots.

 Gee, ya think Barry's the author and recipient of these emails being the Crackberry addict he is?  The next two years are going to make Watergate look like a piddly little scrape with the law when this show finally opens and this Obama "myth" entirely unravels.

"The U.S. attorney's offices in Springfield and Chicago declined to comment, as did the White House. "

Now there's a shocker....not/

E-mails and other records of Dr. Eric Whitaker -- one of President Obama's best friends -- have been subpoenaed by a federal grand jury, the Chicago Sun-Times has learned.

The investigation involves "faith-based initiatives" and health-awareness campaigns funded by the Illinois Department of Public Health when Whitaker ran the agency for former Gov. Rod Blagojevich, according to copies of subpoenas obtained under the state's Freedom of Information Act.
Obama has said he recommended Whitaker for that job, which Whitaker landed in April 2003. The president's friend resigned in October 2007 to join Obama's wife, Michelle, as an executive at the University of Chicago Medical Center. 

On Friday, Whitaker defended his work as the state's former top health official, saying he developed "new methods" to help "African-American and other minority communities" get better medical care.

"The faith-based outreach programs at issue in this inquiry were recognized during my tenure by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and others as national models for increasing awareness and preparedness planning for minority populations," Whitaker said in a statement. "The programs were functioning well when I left the department in 2007."

All told, Gov. Quinn's administration turned over copies of six subpoenas sent to four state agencies that show authorities have been seeking information about a variety of health-awareness grants and programs that have cost taxpayers millions of dollars. 

One sent to the health department seeks "any and all records" involving "faith-based initiatives" on subjects including "emergency preparedness," "HIV/AIDS," "cervical/breast cancer" and "pandemic flu."
Five subpoenas came from a federal grand jury in Springfield, while the sixth came from a grand jury in Chicago. The most recent is dated March 30.  continued here


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. Long time Leo, I think of you everytime I hear the fat assed dead man's name but in a good way...we helped drive him into his grave, just a little slower than we all hoped. In fact all we wanted was for him to freaking resign.  :)

    One good thing though is he never really got to 'retire' on our dime although one could almost argue working in Congress is like retirement for some of those people.

    This is typical Chicago News and we were seeing this before Obama was elected and still people WOULD NOT LISTEN.  I wish they would just come out against him they don't have to admit they were wrong. Whenever there's a crooked republican we run them out of office but these dems have no shame, anyone who's a public ankle grabber certainly has none.

  2. thanks much gents

  3. I also like the analogy "when you slay the bacon you have to get in the pen with the hogs and you get muddy".

  4. I hope this goes somewhere.  Obummer should be brought down for all his illegal dirty dealings!
    I missed this one, thanks for posting Ray.


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