Not only was the website down as a result of this Obama program, but reports are this morning that 2500 student loan officers are going to be laid off as a result of this program. Nice work Barry and friends., that should help the job numbers...
All that on the very day Obama makes his announcement the Gman is now the "Loan man" which means "We the people".
I tell ya, nothing like borrowing back money you've already GIVEN them, or should we say is "extorted" out of our paychecks each week, through government IRS threats of prosecution and imprisonment. Looks like Sallie Mae will be soon headed down the road of siblings Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae soon enough if the same people and up running it. Meaning Washington as is..
Madness and discombobulation will be the theme of the day around that place.
Madness and discombobulation will be the theme of the day around that place.
Oh but we're one step closer to that liberal vision of AmeriTopia which many think will look like this....
what they were all seeing visions of as they were busy dropping acid all through the 60's, which explains their wacky behavior and nutty ideas with everyone else's money as adults.
One more thing I don't hear too much spoken of in all this is the fact that the college loan deadbeats are now gonna have Obama and friends on their asses to pay, and the good old days of "blowing those loans off" as many of the Woodstock Timothy Leary "Turn On, Tune In and Drop out" acid popping generation did are over now, at least they damn well better be.
And these nuts and their dreams of Utopia die off with them in the next decade we can only pray.
Washington Times - "The government's Web site for handling student loans was broken most of Tuesday — the very day President Obama signed a law putting the government in charge of all subsidized student lending.Visitors to the site early Tuesday afternoon saw an error message, while users Monday saw either an error message or, in the evening, were simply unable to connect to the site at all.The site was working again by late Tuesday, but critics said the technical problems underscore their concerns about turning such a major program over to the federal government.'This is a case study in what happens when the federal government takes over a function of the private sector. On its first day of operation, the federal student loan program has collapsed into a black hole from which no information can escape,' said John Hart, a spokesman for Sen. Tom Coburn, Oklahoma Republican.Multiple messages for comment were left with the Education Department on Monday and Tuesday. On Tuesday afternoon, a spokesman e-mailed that officials were 'checking' on the matter.Mr. Obama signed the loan changes into law as part of a package of fixes to the health care law he signed just last week. The two measures had to be combined in order to pass through the complex budget process, which allowed Democrats to avoid a Republican-led filibuster in the Senate.The health care fixes included aid for seniors who face a gap in Medicare prescription drug coverage, higher funding to states for Medicaid and a delay in taxes on high-cost insurance plans.Democratic leaders in Congress earlier this month tacked the student loan overhaul onto the health bill Mr. Obama signed. But the Internet glitch provided an embarrassing kickoff for the changes.The federal student loan programs' director, in notices posted on the department's Web site, acknowledged the site was down for parts of both Monday and Tuesday." more