> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Obama's Opening Pitch Way High, like HE was through his young days

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Monday, April 5, 2010

Obama's Opening Pitch Way High, like HE was through his young days

Like everything in this country, the crowd at the National's Opener today was split about right down the middle, unlike Obama's wacky curve ball of which the only "curving" it did was sail high and beyond outside of the plate for a right handed batter

A throw that would have caused a left handed batter to hit the dirt, although it seems he worked on the embarrassing "girly man" form from last year, which I'll give him a little credit for. We don't need a president in name only who isn't gay but acts like he is.

President Obama tossed out the first pitch at Nationals Park Monday afternoon, throwing high and wide to start the Washington team&apos;s opener against the Philadelphia Phillies.

Obama drew a mixture of cheers and boos from the crowd as he strolled out onto the field wearing a Chicago White Sox cap in a nod to his hometown team. It was his first trip to the stadium since taking office.  "A little high and outside," Obama remarked after his pitch. via Obama throws the opening pitch | POLITICO 44.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. Hi Ray, he looks like a moron trying to throw, doesn't he!
    I hope the sox lost today, I haven't seen the news yet if they won.

    I hope you had a lovely Easter Holiday.  I was offline all weekend, so
    I couldn't with you happy Easter until now!.

  2. Thanks and same to you and yours,....everyone's got more important sh** to do than hang around on the blogs on Easter Weekend... Me too...  I'm just one of those people who won't ever like him no matter what because I feel he's pretty much of an affirmative action fraud and while I was fine to an extent with him being a senator until people got to know about him, but not this ./

    I didn't watch it myself. I resent baseball players and all their whining so I don't pay attention unless they're in first place, otherwise fu&& em....

    Have a great evening Bunni.

  3. He should have just stayed home instead of causing an uproar with the fans.

  4. Obama stay away from camera's ? That's like asking a Muslim to take a freakin shower or trying to keep Jesse the moth Jackson away from a spotlight, he smells em 10 miles away.


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