> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Bezball Berry Good to Eugenio Velez's San 'Francicso' Uniform

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Bezball Berry Good to Eugenio Velez's San 'Francicso' Uniform

If you're wondering wtf read the word after "San" a bit closer please..there you go. ;)

I look at this in a different way then some others apparently as they think this is a "cute little faux pax when I see it as "a millionaire bez ball player who been berry berry good" who can't even spell the  freakin' city of the team he plays for if he took the field in that thing,  and that's how he went through the tail end of a game with this freaking jersey on. No one apparently notices it either but that's not really saying much with a dugout full of millionaire baseball players who are probably his neighbors back in the homeland ,wherever that is, because it wasn't here.

here's my green card....can you cash million dollars? Where Currency exchange western unions?

Si senor....

un freakin real that there's not 20,000 american men out there this second who would die to play in the majors and wipe the snot off of this foreigner player's ability no.......ya know?

I think about that all the time, you're gonna tell me that there's no AMERICAN  KIDS who are  better than this guy at his position, so much so that they have to go the  freakin' Dominican ballyards to find people to throw a few million dollars at, when they can't even spell the name of the team that's on their freaking trillion peso  paychecks? 

I don't believe it. PC quota is what this is all about, especially when the guy can't even spell the name of his freaking team.

And not noticing is even more of a dumb ass excuse really, because if  one CAN speak English and didn't notice it, they're in worse shape than he is. lol
Another year, another jersey FAIL: Eugenio Velez's San 'Francicso' - Big League Stew - MLB Blog - Yahoo! Sports: "You can take the Giants out of San Francisco for a road trip, the saying goes, but you're not allowed to misspell the city's name on the team's uniform tops.

That's right, a Majestic jersey failure — figuratively and literally — has happened for a second straight season in Major League Baseball.

When Giants reserve Eugenio Velez(notes) took the field for a double switch in the seventh inning at Houston on Wednesday night, he apparently had no idea his road grays read: 'San Francicso.'  more


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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