That's all these hearings are. I would go as far as to say they probably scripted a lot of it so it would look as if these men were actually being scolded for taking on $50 billion of toxic assets at the end of the gun barrel from the fat fu**'s on the other side of the tables.
That's right, Barney Frank, Chris Dodd Inc. et al
In fact the only people not responsible who aren't in that room with them all would be the people at AIG, Goldman Sachs and Obama himself. It's like a financial Mexican Standoff Show being put on so the sheeple think something is actually being "done" about the trillions of dollars of American's hard earned wealth that disappeared overnight essentially.
It was like the Lufthansa heist in Goodfellas. They walked in broke and walked out with a motherload of our money without lifting a finger with the keys to the vault in their possession ,and no ones the wiser for it. At least as long as democrats and week kneed republicans cover each others asses left and right.
Especially since they have so much ammo on one another to sink their battleships that when those cable channel cameras are off, this is what it looks like right now in backroom Obamaland DC/
Especially since they have so much ammo on one another to sink their battleships that when those cable channel cameras are off, this is what it looks like right now in backroom Obamaland DC/
Ex-Citigroup leaders defensive on crisis - Yahoo! News UK: "Charles Prince and Robert Rubin, who led Citigroup in the run-up to the 2008 banking crisis, voiced regrets on Thursday, but accepted no responsibility for the mega-bank's massive losses.
Charles Prince and Robert Rubin arrive at the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission hearing …More Enlarge photoThe two came under heavy fire in a congressional panel hearing for being blind to Citi taking on huge financial risks under their watch, leading ultimately to the bank's near collapse, prevented only by a $45-billion (29 billion pound) taxpayer bailout.His hands visibly shaking as he answered questions, Rubin, formerly U.S. Treasury secretary during the Clinton administration, told panel members that he was not a key decision-maker at Citi during the worst of its troubles." continued

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