And for his murder alone these cockroaches need to be hunted down and killed on the spot when found in "Mehico", and then, outright "war" needs to be declared on Mexico if they don't or until they clean up that shithole, and absent that day, the party is over at the border as far as I'm concerned
Image by Getty Images via Daylife

And don't let McCain fool anyone, he's an illegal lover as bad as anyone. In fact I'd go as far as saying that the blood of Mr Prince and every crime victim of some illegal alien is on each and every one of their hands for neglecting this.
The ONLY thing that I hated and still do about George Bush was the way fearless border agents Ramos and Campeon were treated, along with his love for the damn Mexican illegals as well. This is so out of control nothing short of "complete blanket no questions asked nor answered" deportation will even work.
I know that sounds goofy but it's true. You can't sift through this large of a group, you just round them all up and sort it out later, which obviously will never be done in this country, so all we can do is shut it down now.

The reason being because a third of those people who've hopped the border come straight here..
They're an invading army at this point, a thousand a day just in one state? That's nothing like what we've been fed over the years, that's a brutal number.That extrapolates out to 3.6 million a freaking year man! That's trillions of wasted money on people who simply don't belong in the country, and is THE primary reason we're all bankrupt.
They just know if this were to be pegged on Illegals the people would rise up, and that's why they've been lying their tails off to we the people for a long time. That is the primary reason I'd bet my life on it. We know damn well it is in Cali.Image by Mayank L via Flickr

No more is what we need to tell these people and no exceptions, American citizenship is the most valuable gift any non american could dream of, and it should be treated with such respect bu them and our government.