> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Note to Luis Gutierrez, Illinois Congressman::FU and The Horse You Rode In On

Today's world headlines

Friday, April 3, 2009

Note to Luis Gutierrez, Illinois Congressman::FU and The Horse You Rode In On

And this is why.....for protecting illegal aliens by reprimanding the father of a victim of a drunk driving accident killed by a stinking illegal alien for calling this slimy piece of shit a Bandito.

I'll tell you one thing...If he killed my daughter or son and didn't even belong in the country in the first place they'd be calling him a dead bandito, and you can bet on that one.

So again to local illegal loving suckup Luis, "go screw yourself congressman you crook, you and the donkey you rode in to town on... We law abiding born and bred American's have simply "had it up to our ears" with your people coming here and stealing our way of life right from under our own fricking feet and noses, so take your sorry PC ass somewhere else with that crap SIR".

This guy does nothing around this town but complain about and shill for a district that if rounded up on any one chosen day would be filled with about 40% illegal aliens and that's a conservative estimate from my experiences there and basic Chicago in the know.

So as far as I'm concerned he's nothing more than an agent of the enemy, trying the best he can to move legislation that effects his little sliver of Chicago, and force it all upon the law abiding faction. All for the sole benefit of the illegal minority faction that live within his district, which again is comprised of a majority of illegals.

SO in other words he's getting laws changed and passed for people in this city that shouldn't even have a voice here to begin with, illegal aliens. Just look at the legislation I snapped a shot of that he's championing on his website today, all illegal alien type fare for the most part.

Nothing there for hardworking taxpayers who live in the city limits but instead the deadbeats who are forced to deal with shady underground lenders and why? Because they're here illegally is the number one reason and that's a fact......

And he has the cajones to defend one of these mooching criminals, especially a killer against one of my fellow American citizens of the legal, tax paying variety? Not on our watch if we can help it, and I'm gonna make sure this incident is searchable on the net and making sure as well that his next opponent doesn't let this one slip by for a commercial to bury his ass next time around.

Here's the story of Gutierrez and his insulting congressional donkey and pony show where he takes up the side of an illegal killer for being called a name which is defined as follows..

Congressman Reprimands Father of Teen Killed by Drunk-Driving Illegal Alien for Calling Criminal Aliens 'Banditos':

CNSNews.com - – In emotional testimony before a House joint panel this week, a Virginia man recalled the death of his teenage daughter in 2007 – a death caused by an illegal immigrant who was driving drunk and who had been arrested twice before the crime, but was not deported.

“Two years ago this week, my 16-year-old daughter, Tessa, and her best friend Allison were killed as they were sitting at in intersection waiting for a red light to change,” Ray Tranchant said, as friends placed a photograph of Tessa Tranchant on an easel behind him.

Since his daughter’s death, Tranchant, a professor from Virginia Beach, has become an advocate for the enforcement of immigration law.

On Thursday, as Tranchant applauded local law enforcement in Virginia for its increased efforts to work with federal immigration authorities since his daughter’s death, he referred to individuals listed on the Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s database of illegal aliens with criminal backgrounds as “banditos.”

That comment drew a rebuff from Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.)."“Mr. Tranchant, can I share with you as the father of two daughters, I thank you for bringing your testimony here, but I suggest to you that if we refer to people as banditos, as you referred to them in your testimony, it does not help to solve the problem,” Gutierrez said. continued here..


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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