> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: What Happens After These Illegal Immigrant Raids? Wages Go UP! What a shocker....not.

Today's world headlines

Friday, March 20, 2009

What Happens After These Illegal Immigrant Raids? Wages Go UP! What a shocker....not.

We here have always maintained an anti ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION stance and not an Anti IMMIGRATION stance and contrary to what the liberals and illegals want people to believe, there is a difference between the two and they know it.

And the difference is these illegals are unaccountable and they are well aware of this ghost like existence which means they get paid cash, generating no tax income which their supporters love to spend by the way, they commit far more crimes than their legal counterparts because they're basically untraceable in most instances and are basically a general drain on our social services they use at a higher rate than their legal counterparts who pay their bills like full fledged Americans.

And if that wasn't bad enough they steal jobs from regular Americans and lower wages for those who can get work, and this fable that they do the jobs Americans won;t do is farce created only for bumper stickers and the liberal parrots who go around using that lie in their quest to get amnesty for these criminals.

Below is a story of what happened to a town and business when a government raid took place on the Swift Meat packing plant which are raids that have been so successful that this so called bringer of change Obama has just put an end to which I will post underneath the swift meat story....

Study: Wages rose after immigration raids -

, March 19 (UPI) -- Wages and employment increased for legal workers after raids on six Swift & Co. meat-packing plants in several U.S. states in 2006, a study indicated.

Noting that the plants raided were back in production within five months, Jerry Kammer of the Center for Immigration Studies said there was 'good evidence' that the number of U.S.-born workers increased, concluding that the plants 'could operate without the presence of illegal workers,' The Hill reported.

The non-partisan center examined what happened after raids on Swift & Co. facilities in Colorado, Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, Texas and Utah, in which 1,300 undocumented workers were arrested. Another 400 workers without authorization to work in the United States were found through company screening.

The study estimated about 23 percent of the plants' employees weren't authorized to work in the United States, the Washington publication said.

Swift didn't provide information about how its workforce changed, Kammer said, adding that the meat-packer also recruits a large number of refugees who are legal immigrants.

'At the four facilities for which we were able to obtain information, wages and bonuses rose on average 8 percent with the departure of illegal immigrants,' Kammer said.

Kammer said Swift used pay increases and signing bonuses to staff the plants after the raids.

Now here's what the Obama people have planned and in case you missed our story the day before yesterday we've also re included the video of Nancy Pelosi committing treason by attending a meeting of illegal aliens and suggesting that their breaking of our laws is somehow patriotic in her twisted world, the world of bleeding heart liberals who's heads are so far up their asses and their partners asses to see the forest through the trees half the time..

Obama administration fails to enforce immigration law |

News-Leader.com | Springfield News-Leader: "What if the federal government refused to enforce worksite enforcement claiming the immigration laws are broken? But that is impossible you say after Congress' Coalition for Immigration Reform was defeated, when amnesty was rejected by the people in 2007 and we now have an economic crisis. Well, think again."

Recently worksite enforcement in Bellingham, Wash., yielded the arrests of 28 employees illegally in the United States but Janet Napolitano, new secretary for Homeland Security, is reviewing the action. The Obama administration is allegedly signaling it wants a shift in immigration policy that would rely less on worksite enforcement and more on employers who hire "illegal immigrants" and overall immigration reform.Yes, you read the above correctly. It is another run at amnesty and more gobbledygook on immigration enforcement. continued here

If all that didn't make you mad, then nothing will and this country is indeed lost to the liberals and their illegal buddies, and we all may as well start learning Spanish and start looking for same sex partners which I sure as hell will never do til the day I die.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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