> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Supreme Scandal Erupting Over Soetoro Document Erasures and Destruction/ Orly Taitz Strike Again

Today's world headlines

Friday, March 20, 2009

Supreme Scandal Erupting Over Soetoro Document Erasures and Destruction/ Orly Taitz Strike Again

This letter from Attorney Orly Taitz who is representing Alan Keyes and scores of Military Brass both retired and enlisted in the lawsuits finding their ways up to the US Supreme courts and the uncovering of serious conspiracy and fraud being alleged.

Fraud that was seemingly uncovered after a discussion took place between said attorney and Justices Scalia and Roberts, at which point Roberts was hand delivered suitcases of documents pertaining to the Soetoro cases being handled by Taitz and Scalia delivered a puzzling answer to one of Taitz's inquiries that revealed Scalia had been deprived of information and case work submitted to his clerks that it now being alleged was destroyed by said clerks .

Interesting stuff to say the least.

Dossier #3 sent to the Director of FBI, Attorney General and the director of Secret Service:


Open letter Dossier #3

Attention Attorney General of the United States Eric Holder
Director of FBI Robert Mueller
Director of Secret Service Mark J. Sullivan

Regarding Illegal activity in the Supreme Court of the United States, demand for immediate criminal investigation of suspected forgery of court records, tempering with court records, cyber crime, erasing of court records from the docket, fraud, mail fraud, wire fraud and other related crimes.

Dear Mr. Holder, Mr. Mueller and Mr. Sullivan

As I have reported previously my Case Lightfoot v Bowen was erased from the exterior docket of the Supreme Court on January 21st, one day after Barack Hussein Obama aka Barry Soetoro's (Obama/Soetoro's) inauguration and only two days before the case was supposed to be heard in the full conference of all 9 Justices.

After phone calls of hundreds of outraged citizens the case was reentered on the docket in the evening of January 22, right before it was supposed to be heard in the morning of January 23.

In my case I stated that Barack Hussein Obama, aka Barry Soetoro is ineligible for presidency due to the fact that the President and Commander in chief has to be a Natural born citizen: born to two US citizen parents on US soil. Obama's father was here on a student visa, never a US citizen and for that reason alone he didn't qualify, aside from that there is no evidence of any birthing file in any hospital in Hawaii, Obama sealed all his vital records and his school registration in Indonesia show him as a citizen of Indonesia.

On March the 9th I saw Associate Justice of the Supreme Court Antonin Scalia at the book signing ceremony and while he was signing two books that I purchased, I asked him, why my case wasn't forwarded to the next step: oral argument on the merits. Justice Scalia had absolutely no knowledge of this case. I proceeded asking him about other similar cases, all claiming the same thing, that Obama is not eligible for presidency: Wrotnowski, Donofrio, Berg. In presence of several attorneys, law students and secret service agents justice Scalia kept saying that he didn't know anything about those cases, even though all of the plaintiffs have received notification that all of these cases were reviewed by all 9 Justices in the conferenced and all of their petitions were denied.

This is particularly troubling due to the fact that according to the docket, Justice Scalia was the one that received Wrotnowski and Berg cases initially (Berg's case was reviewed twice Certiorari and Injunction), he was the one that supposedly read those cases and forwarded them to the conference of all 9 Justices.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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