> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Watch Nancy Pelosi Commit Treason, Pandering To Her Illegal Amigo's

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Thursday, March 19, 2009

Watch Nancy Pelosi Commit Treason, Pandering To Her Illegal Amigo's

This video of treasonous San Fran Nan speaks for itself and our forefathers would execute her in the town square for the things she regularly says and does, especially this meeting with criminal aliens openly flaunting and mocking our rule of law

What better way to help America forget about Air Pelosi from last week.....I haven't forgotten you feckless skank as she teamed up with local illegal immigrant rabblerousing Illinois pain in the ass congressman Louis Guitterez out in her San Fran Freako back yard where they'll take anyone anytime anywhere in that once glorious city turned sick freakshow gone wild....

than to get caught being chummy with a roomful of illegal aliens plotting their next moves and exchanging tips amongst one another on who's giving jobs to people with no SS#'s since the Obama administration stopped using the checking database and where the best hospitals are to pop out those anchor babies......

(this thing is getting massive views at Fox so please be patient)

Pelosi Tells Illegal Immigrants That Work Site Raids are Un-American -

FOXNews.com: "EXCLUSIVE: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi recently told a group of both legal and illegal immigrants and their families that enforcement of existing immigration laws, as currently practiced, is 'un-American.' more

I wouldn't you traitor..... and you are going to regret this meeting for the rest of your life after we get your dumb ass kicked out of office for pandering to these mostly illegal aliens. And contrary to your claim, the most un American people in the country today, people who send half their illegal paychecks out of the country, don't pay income taxes, and lower wages across the board for all American's, the legal variety.

And furthermore, lets not even to mention their absolute refusal to give up their Mexican allegiance and become true Americans by becoming legal citizens and turning our cities and towns into Tijuana replicas from coast to coast you traitorous whore.

Seems Obama is out there kissing Hispanic ass as well and I have a few words for these overreaching liberals, they grant amnesty to these people the Capital and White House Will BURN

Obama, Hispanic Dems to huddle on immigration:

TheHill.com - "Hispanic Democrats will have their first West Wing meeting with President Obama on Wednesday morning to discuss immigration reform, according to Democratic sources.

The meeting is the first face-to-face sit-down between Obama and the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC) since the president was sworn in. Some in the CHC have recently expressed frustration that Obama has not talked more about immigration in his first two months in office.

Immigration reform is front-and-center on the group’s agenda."CHC is eager to hear the president’s ideas and proposals for tackling immigration reform, not only regarding a comprehensive reform bill that could provide a pathway to citizenship for millions of undocumented workers but also as it relates to rolling back Bush administration policies of raiding workplaces and detaining and deporting thousands of illegal workers.

CHC members came away from a recent meeting in the Capitol with Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano — a day after her Senate confirmation hearing — very encouraged that the workplace-raids policy would be fully reviewed and possibly altered.

Yet, CHC has expressed frustration that Obama has not yet gotten the message on how damaging the raids are to Hispanic communities across the country.

CHC has made the raids and their human cost the new focus of its immigration reform push, although a comprehensive reform bill remains very much a priority for the group, and one that it is encouraging Obama to push.

Hispanic Democrats are continuing their nationwide tour of cities where raids have been conducted to drum up public support for curtailing the practice. During an event in San Francisco earlier this month, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) called the raids “un-American' and spoke out on the"
Michelle Malkin as usual is all over this like Slick Willie on a teenage intern as she does the Fox and Friends circuit this morning following up on her killer post titled,
San Francisco values: Pelosi says enforcing immigration laws is “un-American”


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. ICE should take her down for aiding and abetting. She is committing a crime.

  2. She's in California. The fact is, many of those illegal may have actually voted for her. Walk into a polling place. All you need is a name and address, not id, nothing. How else could a maniac like this be elected to anything?

  3. When President Regan grant amnesty to several million illegals, We the People were promised that it would be the LAST TIME. The Bill Clinton granted amnesty to millions more who were allowed to breach our borders, and once again we were promised that it would be the last time. Now Obama, along with RINO McCain wants to do it again, and there is no sign that it will ever stop. I say that if our elected officials cannot or will not do their Constitutionally mandated jobs of upholding our laws and protecting our borders, then it is about time that We the People Rise up and do it ourselves.

    It just might be that an open revolution may be the only way to save America, because we sure as hell cannot do it through the ballot box.

  4. " rjjrdq said...ICE should take her down for aiding and abetting. She is committing a crime."

    Absolutely and she is a traitor and I'm g damn sick of the crap she gets away with for the sake equality.

    Most Rev. Gregori your an astute American I must sat as you've correctly described the entire illegal immigration timeline and as much as all conservatives admire and emulate in words only mostly Reagan's time in office he did allow the entire travesty to gain momentum .

    And McCain Bush the same damn thing emerged and the pattern here seems to be living in the southwest seems to immunize these politicians to the threat and danger these illegals pose not to mention the entire invasion aspect of their actions and we other non Hispanic Americans are frankly sick of the Mexican culture being allowed to overtake our own.

    That's my take on it all and I feel a correct one minus PC ass kissing bullshit Rev By the way I'm sorry for not linking

  5. Whenever any member of Congress takes office, be he or she within the House or Senate, as each of you v. well know, they are, of their own free will without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion obligated to take the Oath of Office........, which binds them under the U.S. Constitution as effective agents of same - law enforcement officials - to strictly abide by the Constitution and support and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic, that they will bear true allegiance to the same............

    Yet, as if same comes as any surprise, Pelosi ("& Co.") are doing all they can to subvert our (sacred) Constitution, thus-in-turn committing treason and anarchy outright. Truly, this is treason and anarchy in no uncertain terms.
    While we as Americans are supposedly required to maintain dignity and conduct ourselves in the highest ethical manner, we are far beyond that point vis-a-vis the clear jack-booted Socialists in Congress and the White House, for that matter the Supreme Court.

    This is deadly serious.

    Our imperfect nation and our Constitution is at a crucial crossroad.......; its existance, freedoms and liberties are on the chopping block and we must do whatever we can to save it.

    At a minimum I implore real Americans to contact their congressional members, newspaper editors, talk show programs, media and in a most dignified manner with these sources condemn the outright treason and anarchy as manifested by the Socialists in power. Take this nation back......, get involved. Talk to your friends and neighbors. Take this nation back.


Some rules: No leftwing attacks nor Obama supporters so don't waste you're time & especially mine. All 99% others welcome to have your say.

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