> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Twitter's "Punky Brewster" CEO Meets With Obama

Today's world headlines

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Twitter's "Punky Brewster" CEO Meets With Obama

So Obama's idea of forwarding the American economy is sitting down with the CEO of this wacky Twitter deal that I personally get about 30 emails a day of people following me on Titter til I quit answering themwhen my message there said "I Don't Twitter do don't waste your time and mine by adding me". I just have a page as a blogger just like facebook. I just don't have the need for that with running a blog 24/7/365.....

It's mostly kids, some blogging friends, but mostly anything Chicago related Tweeting me, like restaurants and small businesses who's young employees are telling the "Old Fogey" owners, "Hey man let me add 5000 names to our Twitter account so it looks like we got all these customers and then we'll get business from it!! Brain surgeons? Not in my book,

So back to the CEO of the company who's Tweet of the day yesterday was something like

"I'm at the White House jerking off with Obama and Ivanka advising Obama about how this great company of ours while a cool ides can't' figure out a way to make any money with it yet, but can't wait to advise the Messiah how to get out of the recession!!! Cool!""

With advisers like this at the top of his list it's no wonder the world economy is collapsing under the "Obama Smoke and Mirrors Fun House" in town for an extended engagement! Especially after being elected president practically by a Twitter vote of the young uninformed voters who think the election is a popularity contest like American Idol of the week.

Electing Obama with not one single solitary iota of business experience under his belt, well, other than selling crack and weed to all his Occidental college buddies when he sported that swell "Jamaican Spleef dealer" look you see in my right sidebar over there>>>>>>>>

Well this weekend it's looking more and more like "Goodbye America, How where you?" it's been good knowing you......

Twitter CEO Schmoozes Ivanka Trump At White House

- TechChuck: "Twitter CEO Evan Williams has made his way to Washington, D.C., where he'll be advising President Obama on the economic crisis with other young business leaders.

Guess who else is joining him: Our favorite economic guru!

(Via Evan's Twitter stream and TwitPic.)..."


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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