> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Illegals Drive Already Dropping Wages Even Lower

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Saturday, March 7, 2009

Illegals Drive Already Dropping Wages Even Lower

The media reports this phenomenon just like they report everything involving the Messiah, they look to place blame everywhere except where it belongs. In the case of the job losses the blame belongs in two places, the first one being with the Messiah himself and with the massive influx of illegal aliens. Especially with the fact not reported often that Obama's next step of integration towards amnesty for illegals will be the driver's licenses that he wishes to allow them to obtain.

We all remember what happened when 19 illegal Muslim aliens were allowed to overstay their visa's who obtained fake licenses right? Muhammad Atta anyone?

Workers who make themselves more valuable to the job providers in this time of cutting corners by selling themselves like whores, undercutting the wages legal Americans demand and working for no benefits thus lowering wages unfairly across the particular industry which they've chosen to invade.

However that only lasts until they've worked a little while at the particular business dumb enough to hire them, and then they both start doing this self serving dance together, the owners become afraid to fire these illegals for fear of being turned in for exploitation and breaking federal employment laws and then the workers also become afraid that the owner will turn them in if they don't agree to the exploitation. So they both do this little Mexican hat dance together as the owners hire even more illegals becoming addicted like crack addicts as this gives them more money and profits to spend on themselves.

Likewise, the illegals are happier than Spanish clams because even at the lower wages they are making 5 times more money than they would back in that hellhole they call home in Mexico. Then to top it all off when one of the participants decides to vacate the arrangement then they usually end up usually to some lawyer or liberal group they see on Telemundo like the ACLU about being exploited at the workplace for whatever period they were employed under the table and then they cash in on some lawsuit filed for backwages usually collecting !!!

Yet they are entirely illegal aliens, and had or have no business in the country in the first place, then the small businessman foolishly enticed by the cheap and addictive illegal alien "crack cocaine" labor files Bankruptcy so as not to pay the undeserved back wages and in the end, everyone loses including the illegals but mostly the screwed American worker out of work.

The MSM won't report that little scenario I see played out in Illinois businesses I deal with on a daily basis in the graphics and printing trade and other businesses. No, they report it like this below blaming George Bush who sadly deserves blame for this invasion as does Obama for kissing up to the Hispanic lobby for votes so the illegal job theft from Americans will continue.

Next shoe to drop for U.S. job seekers: lower wages

| Reuters: "NEW YORK (Reuters) - With 'no end in sight' for U.S. job losses amid a recession that could stretch into 2010, American workers will soon have to contend with another blow to their confidence: stagnant, or even falling wages.

Job seekers -- already coping with the highest unemployment rate in a quarter century, their savings mugged by a plunging stock market -- can also expect lower pay once they land a new job, labor market experts say, because the current downturn shows no signs of turning around anytime soon.

'There's no end in sight,' said Tig Gilliam, chief executive of Adecco Group North America, the third-largest U.S. employer behind Wal-Mart Stores and the postal service.

'March is going to be the same, and I don't see anything that will make April better.'

Lower wages, in turn, could further erode the outlook for the U.S. economy by hurting consumers' spending power.

The government's February employment report showed 651,000 jobs eliminated outside the farm sector, while losses in the previous two months were revised upward. The unemployment rate jumped to 8.1 percent, highest since 1983.

Job losses in professional services categories are accelerating, and temporary payrolls -- typically a leading indicator -- show no signs of improving, Gilliam"

The temp sector, where losses preceded the decline in the wider labor market by a year, must stabilize before any hint of a wider jobs recovery.

Temporary workers as a percentage of the total workforce are down to 1.42 percent, a level not seen since May 1994. The bottoming of this metric typically correlates with the end of recession, said BMO Capital Markets analyst Jeffrey Silber in a research note.

"Unfortunately, we're not there yet," Silber said.


Temp payrolls are down by a quarter from a year ago, and have declined for 26 months in a row. In the recession of the 1980s -- the one many economists say most compares to the current situation -- temp employment fell by a third from peak to trough.

To be sure, job openings still exist. Adecco cited engineering and technical job postings, as well as legal and finance positions, including in the mortgage business where a pickup in refinancing activity has spurred demand for sales and processing professionals.

But while job openings remain, employers are increasingly able to keep a lid on wages, further stretching consumers. The latest jobs report showed wage growth slowed in January and February from its pace at the end of last year.
According to Adecco, many clients are looking to hire people at lower rates than in the past, with the biggest wage pressure at the lower end of the pay scale, he said, among people earning around $10 or $12 per hour. continued


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. I heard that they don't even want to come here any more. Because there's no work for them.

    Why don't Obama give them Unemployment benefits?

  2. I'd imagine they'd be flooding south but they're not and they're in no big hurry to leave because they all think now that they're gonna get amnesty from Obama for the votes.

    All the liberals and AA's have been paid off, so the illegals must be next while the hard working conservatives foot the bills....


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