> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Obama Uses Military for Photo Op To Blame Bush For Financial Crisis, The Lies Continue

Today's world headlines

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Obama Uses Military for Photo Op To Blame Bush For Financial Crisis, The Lies Continue

Obama's Cop Photo OP

Obama is proving himself as nothing more than an empty suited puppet glued to a teleprompter who's only viable strategy is Blame Blame Bush, Blame Bush and then Blame Bush.

This is Obama's mess and will be Obama's depression once it officially begins, and another that rankled my ass about this speech is again Obama seeking out opportunities as if he's still on the campaign trail to fly around in Air Force The One as much as possible like a kid with a brand new car .

And the destination for these flights have so far been loosely linked to the military, like the unnecessary one he took to North Carolina to explain his stance on supposedly ending the war that I ragged about in this post here, all so he can get plenty photo ops in front of service people and in this case Police officers, using them as props for tv ads like the ones we're being barraged with still, 3 months after the election....It's just like the Hucksters we see on channel 32 or channel 9 in the middle of the night selling used cars or Ginsu knives.

Man has this guy lowered the bar on the gravitas of the office or what?

Obama on stimulus: 'I know we did the right thing':

The Associated Press: "COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) While acknowledging an 'astounding' number of job losses in February, President Barack Obama told critics of his $787 billion economic recovery plan Friday that it is saving jobs and said, 'I know we did the right thing.' He suggested that critics talk to 25 police recruits in Ohio's capital city who owe their jobs to stimulus spending and 'talk to the teachers who are still able to teach our children because we passed this plan.'

During a graduation ceremony for the police recruits, he also noted 'the nurses who are still able to care for our sick and the firefighters and first responders who are still able to keep our communities safe.'

News that 651,000 jobs were lost in February brings to 'an astounding 4.4 million' the number of jobs lost since the recession began, Obama said. The unemployment rate spiked to 8.1 percent.

But Obama touted the 114th police recruit class as proof that the stimulus plan, which drew scant Republican support in Congress, is paying dividends.

'I look at these young men and women, I look into their eyes and I see their badges today, and I know we did the right thing,' Obama said, the recruits seated behind him on stage.

He said the police recruits had faced a future of joblessness, the same "future that millions of Americans still face right now."

"Well, that is not a future I accept for the United States of America," Obama said, explaining why he signed the stimulus bill on Feb. 17.

The recruit class was laid off in January before they could even start walking the beat. Mayor Michael Coleman, a Democrat, blamed city budget problems.

But last week Coleman announced that the Justice Department had told the city it would get $1.25 million in stimulus funds to cover the officers' salaries through Dec. 31.

The recruits were rehired using money from the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant program. The stimulus bill included $2 billion for that program, and the money is being delivered to local departments by a predetermined formula.

Breann Gonzalez, a spokeswoman for Rep. Pat Tiberi, one of eight Ohio Republicans who voted against the stimulus, noted that the money that saved the recruits' job will run out next year. Coleman hasn't said how he'll pay the officers' salaries after that.

Gonzalez said Tiberi "is thrilled" that these officers were hired, but that the question of how to pay for them will confront the city again come January.

"This stimulus represents a very temporary solution to an even larger problem," she said.

The trip was Obama's first as president to Ohio, which he won in the November election.

Associated Press writers Devlin Barrett and Matt Apuzzo in Washington and Andrew Welsh-Huggins and Julie Carr Smyth in Columbus, Ohio, contributed to this report.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. The GOP have allowed the Demoratic party to define them for too long. He can blame Bush because the republicans threw him under the bus. Instead of listening to the Dem's and the media demand that in order to win we have to separate from Bush,they should have defended him and put that to bed long ago. Now it is easy to blame Bush for everything. The economy will get better at some point, and Obama will get the credit. The GOP had better start defending him now or it will be to late. The Democratic party speaks to those who do not pay attention to politics. How sad, the American people will just accept his lies.

  2. Sharon you're right, they let the dems frame the whole war argument which then led to the WMD bullspit they never fought back on, and then Bush's reputation was torn to tatters..

    Bush himself never went after any of the liars having presidential dignity which the Kenyan wonderboy lacks as we've seen recently.

    Bush's underlings were supposed to handle that crap and they didn't because they all wanted to be popular and part of the circuit there.. and being a friend to Bush would cause them to be ostracized as well, in their gutless pea brains.

    The world economy is collapsing and the thin skinned dickless Mutt has been attacking Rush Limbaugh, a great guy but a flipping radio host, and having parties. What a leader (eyes rolling)


Some rules: No leftwing attacks nor Obama supporters so don't waste you're time & especially mine. All 99% others welcome to have your say.

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