> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Ayers And Churchill Headline Pinko Commie Fest In Colorado

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Saturday, March 7, 2009

Ayers And Churchill Headline Pinko Commie Fest In Colorado

We all sit around wondering what's happened to the country and the children today many of the worst amongst them who are nothing but Twitter/IPOD bots who go on to college at the cost of a small fortune and come back radical Pinko subversives. The very worst of them, there are plenty of kids out there no falling for that hate America act and those are the ones that need our help and support in any way we can provide it.

Sadly the gullible and most impressionable, eager to learn children who sadly spent their past 4 years being indoctrinated by domestic terrorists and general jerkoffs like the two America hating commies Bill Ayers and former so called "professor" and faked Cherokee Indian Ward Churchill. He of the Colorado U and "little Eichmann's" fame who was finally kicked to curb by the university for his belittling rages against 911 victims and other Pinko rants and outright academic fraud..

He so happens to be going to trial for these acts of malfeasance next week, Tune in for that rich event.

All gathered together at a genuine "Anti America hoe down" where Obama supporting libs who are like pigs in a slop pit over the severe leftward lurch the country has made in such an unbelievable short period of time.

Until these underground radicals are eliminated from the schooling and higher education system we're destined to keep churning out socialist scum like these two morons and their "Followers" who were gathered for this behind the scenes Marxist strategy session

Here's some of the stories coming out of that subversive anti establishment bullshit coming from two subversives who are guess what kids? Part of the establishment you gullible sheep. Listen to your parents first and take what these worn out hippies say with 5 grains of salt as they're not what they claim to be, making hundreds of thousand of your parents my dollars acting as if they are these anti establishment radicals which they are only because they're miraculously tenured professors who are mostly guaranteed paychecks until they die with no performance requirements like the rest of society.
Ayers: Colo. professor was fired in `witch hunt'

- wtop.com: "DENVER (AP) - William Ayers, the former Weather Underground radical whose past made him a lightning rod in the 2008 presidential campaign, said Thursday that fired Colorado professor Ward Churchill became the victim of a "witch hunt" after comparing Sept. 11 victims to a Nazi.

"There's no doubt in my mind he was persecuted because of his politics," Ayers said before appearing with Churchill at a student rally on academic freedom at the University of Colorado at Boulder. continued

Then this story covers the subversiveness that it's now wonder makes these commies so popular with impressionable kids away at college from home basically for the first time, who really don't understand half the crap these bums are selling and never will the way today's schools are undermining and marginalizing American history the way they do

CU talk: Ayers criticizes 'conformity' in schools : CU News :

: "BOULDER, Colo. — More than 1,000 people turned out at the University of Colorado on Thursday night for an event in which ex-’60s radical Bill Ayers addressed the “silencing” of public educators across the country on the eve of fired CU professor Ward Churchill’s trial."

“Forbidden Education and the Rise of Neo-McCarthyism” — sponsored by student groups — offered a critical look at the implications of Churchill’s firing with addresses from Ayers and author and activist Derrick Jensen.

“In a democracy, you would expect that you would not teach for obedience and conformity,” Ayers said. “And yet, for many schools, this is the characterizing element — and we have to challenge it.”

Invited as a symbol of a fellow academic under fire, Ayers, who now teaches at the University of Illinois-Chicago, was an anti-war activist who co-founded the violent leftist group Weather Underground.

Ayers’ past received notoriety during the 2008 presidential election when opponents of Barack Obama linked him to Ayers while both were in Chicago in the 1990s.

At Thursday’s speech, he challenged the audience to “open your eyes” to the harsh reality of the state of the world and society — and to take action accordingly.

His brief mention of Churchill implied the systematic “silencing” of public educators.

“I worry about the teacher in Denver who teaches social studies and can’t bring herself to raise a question because she saw what happened to Ward Churchill,” Ayers said.

Churchill spoke for only a few minutes and invited the audience to his wrongful-termination trial, which begins Monday in Denver. He challenged the crowd to stand up against the oppression of free speech and academic freedom.

“You owe it to yourself and you owe it to your children and you owe it to your children’s children,” he said. “I invite you to stand up.”

During the question-and-answer portion of the event, Churchill defended his work and the controversial statements he’s made.

“By virtue of being an American, you are not innocent,” he said, addressing his essay about the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks that gained him national attention in 2005.

Jensen gave a slide-show presentation discussing how — if judged based on the act of challenging the systems in which they lived — an incalculable number of historic figures, ranging from founding fathers to Jesus Christ, would be deemed as “terrorists” by today’s standards.

“Instead of responding honestly to disagreement by showing how Ward was wrong, those in power ... used the power of press, and the power of the purse,” Jensen said.

In his notorious essay, Churchill referred to World Trade Center victims as “little Eichmanns,” a reference to Nazi Adolf Eichmann, the so-called “architect of the Holocaust.”

Following the outcry over Churchill’s remarks, CU began probing his work. He was fired in 2007 for academic misconduct after an investigation by more than 20 tenured university staff members concluded he plagiarized and lied about historical facts in his writings.

Churchill sued the university to get his job back.

CU defends Churchill’s firing.

“There’s nothing about free speech that allows you to misrepresent your academic work,” said CU spokesman Bronson Hilliard. “The university is never in the position where it can ignore accusations of academic misconduct — regardless of whether the person accused is outspoken or not. And we have to hold our faculty to high standards of integrity. If we don’t, the entire university crumbles.”

The talk was sponsored by student groups 180 Degree Shift at the 11th Hour, the Student Environmental Action Coalition, and Students for True Academic Freedom.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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