> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: McCain / Feingold Together Again, This Time In A Good Way

Today's world headlines

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

McCain / Feingold Together Again, This Time In A Good Way

Both are saying "Hell No We Won't go to More Porkzilla Barbecues" and good for them as McCain helps prove to the world a little over half of American had their heads square up their a**es in November and clearly picked the wrong liberal in a big way.

The obviously wiser, smarter and more patriotic of the two men is still working in the Senate.

However, on the other hand as unpredictable as Obama is he might be dangerous with the line item veto power and if granted, and he could use it to later neutralize a republican congress that seems inevitable in 2010 as we go at this pace. So one must always be careful what is wished for and these two men (McCain & Feingold) sure screwed it up and may be as responsible for the Obama white house as anyone with their last bill together, the so called and named campaign finance reform bill that Obama used to smoke McCain like the bongs he's so used to sucking off of.

Feingold and Ryan to join McCain in push to give Obama line-item veto power

WISCONSIN STATE JOURNAL: "Two Wisconsin lawmakers from opposing parties are joining former GOP presidential nominee John McCain in pushing to give President Barack Obama line-item veto power.

Sen. Russ Feingold, D-Middleton, and Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Janesville, are teaming up with the Arizona senator for what they say is a strategy to hold the line on federal spending and prevent wasteful earmarks.

They plan to introduce the bill tomorrow.

Feingold has worked with McCain before in rewriting federal campaign finance rules. Ryan is the top Republican on the House budget committee."


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. I agree, although a good thing if it prevents the budget from passing, it will bite us in the ass at some point. It usually does.

  2. Yup, what seems good for the moment usually is detrimental in the long run as life usually shows us.


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