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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Limbaugh Has Classic "Barney the Boner Buffer" Show Clips

Sometimes Rush's show is worth listening to just to hear him rip on Barney the Boner Buffer or Elmer pud as I call him both depending on what reason I'm even addressing his perverted existence, a twist on Limbaugh referring to Frank as Elmer Fudd due to his pronounced and many think planned lisp that I guess he feels turns on other Homosexuals because everyone else makes fun of it.

Today he had some references to some of Frank's greatest hits brought on by him cutting off a republican attempting to ask some questions of Turbo Tim Geithner when he ran into the Barney buzz saw that seems to surface every time the boner buffer gets the congressional speakers gavel in his slimy hands.

It's accompanied by this great cartoon as well

That one is good, but this clip here is by far the best audio demonstration of a person who is so self important as Frank the Boner Buffer thinks he is, and when surrounded by those congressional walls and pageantry thinks he's the king of all kings with a gavel and thank goodness Limbaugh has these archives tucked away to be used against these morons.

I only wish he made the stuff more widely available to the listeners who can't catch the shows during the day, and can't spring for the 24/7 deal like I have, so here's too good of a clip to hide, especially considering Frank is at the forefront of this criminal enterprise known as the 111th congress at this moment and I will try like many others to help run this fucker to the bathhouses in San FranFreako where he belongs.

Barney Frank's Greatest Hits: "The Gentleman Will Sus'thpend!": "RUSH: Barney Frank -- Elmer Fudd, Sylvester the Cat -- hard to tell the difference in the three, back in the news, ladies and gentlemen, all upset over the bonuses at AIG. To set this up, I want to go back to a Barney Frank greatest hit from January 11th, 2007, on the House floor. (hear this on the clip)


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. Ha, I love when Rush goes after Barney Frank. I always refer to him as Elmer Fudd because it just crack me up to hear him say stuff like "There's a financial pwoblem". Good Lord, get some speech therapy!

    Great idea posting these clips from Rush 24/7. I'm a member, but I'm still enjoying these little clips. I love when Rush pulls old clips put of his archives like that. And that Dancing Queen parody song cracks me up every time!

    It's pathetic that this moron keeps getting re-elected by his dumbass constituency and we all have to pay the price!


  2. I'm a member too all three, O'Reilly Laura and Rush and truthfully their premium stuff is a bloggers goldmine, but I'm pretty sure it's illegal per se to post this stuff and I'm gonna see what happens if anything and try to only put up stuff that's really good.

    I meant to link to your story about the prompter and this reminded me. Hopefully you'll get a few hits from the link, as my traffic has been pretty great past few months 5,6oo a day

    Barney is a frickin stammering momo (my pc homo word) he is funny in the Elmer PUDD (my other gay name for Bend Over Barney)sense and he's also the second most dangerous person on CRAPital hill and the third in DC (you know the other two San Fran Piglosi and Barry..)

  3. ooops I meant I linked to a teleprompter search on your blog so like all the posts you did on the prompter stuff in the post a few down from here.

    My offering ripping his performance last night with the new Jumbotron-prompter, didja see that thing in the Fox news video?

    What a joke


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