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Today's world headlines

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Obama's Speech tonight should be called "America's Lost Hour" especially because an hour after it the MSM has yet to really release any good or bad reviews which means it sucked and they're hoping tomorrow they can just move on to something else.

I think even he fell asleep for a few seconds there at the end...

Here's something Obama did CHANGE for this press conference, he went from a transparent teleprompter to a huge 32" plasma television! Maybe that's his excuse for the oratorical mistakes he's been making,the words are too small, or maybe he's doing it to take Rush Limbaugh's new Teleprompter comedy routine out of play (listen to it here, the first routine he did week or so ago)

Also check out my friends at Conservative Women Unite as they've got a number of humorous posts dedicated to the Obama/Limbaugh teleprompter nexus here...

Witness the death of the teleprompter and say hello to the "Obama JumboPrompter"

"Obama skips major papers: No NYT, WaPo, WSJ,

Michael Calderone's Blog: POLITICO.com: "Obama skips major papers: No NYT, WaPo, WSJ, USA Today

During President Obama's second East Room news conference, he took questions from 13 reporters over about an hour -- that's the same as during his first presser on Feb. 9.

But in quite a departure from the first presser -- and White House protocol -- Obama skipped over the nation's top newspapers. Indeed, there were no questions from the NY Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal or USA Today. That might not sit well with the already insecure newspaper industry.

In exchange, Obama opened things up to a wider variety of outlets, including Spanish-language television, a military news outlet, and black-oriented media. It's another example of the White House going over the typical Washington press corps 'filter.'

Here's the list of reporters in order: Jennifer Loven (AP), Chuck Todd (NBC), Jake Tapper (ABC), Chip Reid (CBS), Lourdes Meluza (Univision), Kevin Baron (Stars and Stripes), Ed Henry (CNN), Major Garrett (Fox News), Mike Allen (POLITICO), Kevin Chappell (Ebony), Ann Compton (ABC Radio), Jon Ward (Washington Times) and Stephen Collinson (AFP).

So the only newspapers that got a question were the Washington Times, Stars and Stripes, and POLITICO -- although the latter is known by many, especially outside DC, as pr"


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. Thanks for linking to all our teleprompter posts, Ray! When I did that post last night, I linked to two of your posts (the Tonight Show one, and the 60 Minutes one) when I was listing all the appearances in the nauseating Barack Obama traveling circus. I knew you had it all covered, so I immediately knew where to get good links.

    I had Fox on last night, and I loved how as soon as the press conference ended, Bret Baier pointed out the new teleprompter. I was waiting to see that during the entire snooze fest, because I KNEW from the very first thirty seconds that Barry must have had a huge prompter in the back of the room. I was looking for the usual smaller ones flanking his podium and when I noticed they were absent, I also observed how he was looking forward and reading. I'm so sick of this empty suit moron, it's disgusting!


  2. He is the most pathetic fuck I've ever seen as I'm reading a great piece while typing here on American Spectator called the MTV president which is exactly what we have. An empty headed "rock star" with all the rock star trapping probably including the drug use as well.

    As long as a slog this is, it reminds me of when I first got on the net in 94 and joined the early group of Free Republic and we were all working there to bring down Clinton and there were no blogs we all had primitive websites that had to be hand coded and man did that shit suck.

    this blogger is a dream as far as ease of getting things up on the net, But this time the country is truly at stake and we're the ones that will have to turn it all around.

    Have great day out there and we should have no shortage of ammo to work with today :>)


Some rules: No leftwing attacks nor Obama supporters so don't waste you're time & especially mine. All 99% others welcome to have your say.

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