> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: The Newest Republican On The National Scene Only One With Cajone's, Jindahl Says Stand Up To Obama

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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Newest Republican On The National Scene Only One With Cajone's, Jindahl Says Stand Up To Obama

This type of stuff is what leaders do and what Jindahl is complaining about is the exact reason why we sit here today with this Marxist president is because the republicans never stood up to the democrats who beat the crap out of George Bush for 7 years practically unopposed all because they were more worried about keeping their cush jobs than serving the people.

Hopefully the new people on the block in this 111th congress like Illinoisan Aaron Shock who I blogged about Tuesday and stood up to Obama during the Porkulus run up when Obama decided to use a Caterpillar plant in Shocks district he was in for a big surprise when Shock appeared on the House Floor to deliver this now memorable clip that I've shown twice in two days

That GOP is what Bobby Jindahl is talking about! So all you pussified Republicans still left there in DC after the liberal slaughter that's ruined the country which was in our control would be well served to listen to this man and us by emulate these new kids on the block or it'll be you're heads next election on the chopping block.

Hear what Rush had to say about this speech from Jindahl who stood up for Limbaugh against the liberals attacking the weaklings who are afraid to be associated with a real conservative like Rush

Jindal urges GOP to stand up to Obama -

More politics- msnbc.com: "WASHINGTON - Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal again found himself carrying the Republican mantle opposite a primetime appearance from President Barack Obama on Tuesday, saying Republicans must be ready to defy the president when they disagree with his policies.

He also joked about his widely panned response to Obama's address to Congress last month.

'We are now in the position of being the loyal opposition,' Jindal said at a Republican congressional fundraising dinner that only by coincidence fell on the same night as Obama's news conference. 'The right question to ask is not if we want the president to fail or succeed, but whether we want America to succeed."Saying "the time for talking about the past is over," Jindal said Republicans have begun to find their voice after back-to-back elections losses — motivated by what he called historic Democratic spending excess.

"Poked fun at himself"

Jindal is widely considered a potential 2012 GOP presidential candidate, but his televised response to Obama's speech at the Capitol last month was widely panned. Some compared his delivery to the late children's television host Mister Rogers and said the address could hurt Jindal's national potential.

At Tuesday's $2,500-per-plate dinner — which President George W. Bush headlined last year — Jindal opened his speech by poking fun of himself. He threatened to deliver a reprise of the earlier performance and then jokingly compared it to torture.

"They're not allowed to show my speech at Gitmo anymore," he said. "They've banned that."

The National Republican Congressional Committee, which works to get Republicans elected to Congress, said it raised more than $6 million at the event.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. Would you want communism to fail? Even Jay Leno is comparing Obama's policies to communism. I want that to fail. Watch Leno blast Mr. O's policies:


  2. Thanks for the video link as I saw this as well and didn't think of posting it but now I will thanks again


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