> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Grassley AIG Remarks Are Way Over The Line, These "Outraged" Politicians Are Simply Liars

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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Grassley AIG Remarks Are Way Over The Line, These "Outraged" Politicians Are Simply Liars

This AIG thing regarding the complaining about the bonuses that the Obama administration knew about as did congress for over a year has gotten way out of hand, and for a US Senator republican or otherwise to suggest that executives that OK'd bonuses that the company is contractually required to pay should themselves commit suicide is a damn disgrace.

It is the US senate, congress and this dumb assed inexperienced puppet of Nancy Pelosi and Dingy Harry Reid named Barack Hussein Obama who should all fall on their swords and commit suicide, because they are the dumb asses that bought up these company assets without even having lawyers or anyone look over the contracts and open invoices per se that these companies are obligated to pay.

Any nimrod would have a lawyer look over this stuff if they were taking over the assets or buying a lousy hot dog stand much less a billion multi national corporation, which by the way this stupid president couldn't even run without the help of cronies or shysters like the one's who've bankrolled his college education and entire adult life. Scum like Tony Rezco and Dr.Khalid Al Monsour all in hopes of the ultimate paybacks that would come their ways, which all are now comfortably receiving I might add. A good return on their small investments one would have to say at this point as their puppet is doing his dance in DC.

Again, it is congress and the president including the former president I hate to admit who were all in bed with these so called corporate bandits and their fat snouts parked at the trough taking campaign funds and dinners and trips from again these so called criminals at AIG so I as a US citizen call for Senator Grassley to put a gun to his head along with Barney Frank and Chris Dodd and all the other sons of bitches in congress who go around blaming everyone else they can for the bullshit and mess up to their $100 white collared shirt necks that they created.

Chris Dodd wrote the damn provision in the bail out to protect these freakin bonuses for everyone's information. So again these shit heads in congress are the ones who should commit suicide as the bonuses are contractually required to be payed, this is America not Argentina or pro sports where contracts are just torn up.

What a disgrace this man is to himself and everyone else in that body up there, these executives at AIG again are human beings with families and children and to hear a so called senator say something like this that normally comes out of Barney Fag's mouth angers me to no end. I

I bitched about that bobo yesterday, sitting up there pontificating and crying about bonuses that these fat fucks knew damn well a year ago that these employees were supposed to receive on their way out the doors of the company, and to feign disgust makes me again sick to my stomach.

UPDATE BELOW after Drudge headline causes first statement to go viral 01:13 cst
Grassley: AIG execs should repent, not kill selves:

"IOWA CITY, Iowa (AP) - Sen. Charles Grassley wants AIG executives to apologize for the collapse of the insurance giant—but said Tuesday that 'obviously' he didn't really mean that they should kill themselves." continued
Original Post Below

Grassley: AIG execs should quit or commit suicide

Breitbart: "IOWA CITY, Iowa (AP) - Iowa Sen. Charles Grassley suggested that AIG executives should accept responsibility for the collapse of the insurance giant by resigning or killing themselves.

The Republican lawmaker's harsh comments came during an interview Monday with Cedar Rapids, Iowa, radio station WMT. They echo remarks he has made in the past about corporate executives and public apologies, but went further in suggesting suicide.

'I suggest, you know, obviously, maybe they ought to be removed,' Grassley said. 'But I would suggest the first thing that would make me feel a little bit better toward them if they'd follow the Japanese example and come before the American people and take that deep bow and say, I'm sorry, and then either do one of two things: resign or go commit suicide.

'And in the case of the Japanese, they usually commit suicide before they make any apology.'

Japanese executives often take responsibility for scandals within their companies by issuing public apologies on camera and stepping down. It is rare, however, that business executives have gone so far as to take their lives. In feudal Japan, ritual suicide was considered an honorable death under the samurai warrior ethic.

Grassley spokesman Casey Mills said the senator isn't calling for AIG executives to kill themselves, but said"


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. His comments were disgraceful. These politicians are so ready to disntance themselves from the word bonus that the word bonus is becoming a bad word. How sad is that!

    What a funny picture of Barney Frank!

  2. Chicago Ray,

    I know that you are totally disgusted with Barney Frank and I want you to know that he disgusts the hell out of me. If I may, I would like to give some info that I dug up between 1995-97.

    "Pedophile victim Paul Bonacci--kidnapped and forced into sex slavery between the ages of 6 and 17--told U.S. District Court Judge Warren Urbom in sworn testimony specifically named Congressman Barney Frank (D-MA) as having participated in the parties--also telling the judge he had "relationships with him" in Washington, DC and was flown to Massachusetts for sex in the basement of Frank's Boston home."

    You can read the whole sordid story by going to http://www.tomflocco.com/fs/PhotographerTied.htm

    I can attest to the truth of what is on this website, because some of the information was also told to me by a form F.B.I field supervisor by the name of Ted Gunderson whom I met in 1996.

    All of the the above information ties in with a federal investigation of the Franklin Credit Union in Nebraska. You can read about it in a book titled: The Franklin Cover-up" written by John W. DeCamp an lawyer and former Nebraska State Senator.

  3. Good news! Anderson Cooper 360 covered this tonight. I was sitting at my favorite watering hole where the picture was on, but there was no voice because of the juke box. They were showing the beneficiaries and dollar amounts from AIG. Old queer Franks name right up there in bright lights!

    In the pic above, is that cum dribbling down his cheek? TOOOOOO funny!!

  4. ToRev"I know that you are totally disgusted with Barney Frank and I want you to know that he disgusts the hell out of me."

    He sure does disgust me to knwo end, this POS is the face of America the past two days and his spooge covered hands make me wanna puke. Thanks for the info and I am checking it out ...


    To my friend AA: That's exactly what it is AA and that's a cum stained rubber in his hand from his gay boyfriends

    As I quipped to the Rev above, I'm sick of seeing that pud licking momo on the TV each night lisping like Elmer Fud and that's why I call him Elmer PUD, his sick homosexual circus act make me wanna puke. The people that elected that pillow puffer should have their citizenship yanked,


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