> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Lets See Who's Who at the AIG Campaign Cash Trough if You Please

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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Lets See Who's Who at the AIG Campaign Cash Trough if You Please

Of coarse there's little surprise who the top ten include, that would be that the first 7 out of 10 are DEMOCRATS, gee, what a surprise there

The TOP donation recipient is none other than the biggest bitching whiner up on the hill which means the most insincere and by far the filthiest pig at the AIG donation trough is none other than CHRISTOPHER DODD

The Anointed one himself, Barack Obama chimes in at NUMBER TWO, what a surprise there..Not

Her Royal Thighness, Hillary Clinton pops in at # 4 what a Surprise there as well ....NOT .....and on it goes..

Have a look see for yourself at the campaign cash trough way back machine provided by Open Secrets .Org and when stop laughing and then your blood stops boiling you can then get on the phone to your local congressman and or woman and tell them politely to go fuck themselves/

Now isn't it such a surprise that the very democrat scum buckets parked at AIG's trough are out in front of the camera's making the most noise and why? Because I've now made the complete determination that any American now not getting their information from the internet are STUPID, plain and simple. Dumb fucks that these clowns own through the MSM Lib filter that they will see this BS tonight and not know what you and I know just from reading the post above. Fucking idiots.

Livid Democrats demand AIG return bailout bonuses:

My Way News - "WASHINGTON (AP) - Talking tougher by the hour, livid Democrats confronted beleaguered insurance giant AIG with an ultimatum Tuesday: Give back $165 million in post-bailout bonuses or watch Congress tax it away with emergency legislation. Fresh details, meanwhile, pushed AIG outrage ever higher: New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo reported that 73 separate company employees received bonus checks of $1 million or more last Friday. This at a company that was failing so spectacularly the government felt the need to prop it up with a $170 billion bailout."
Livid my ass....


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. Remember the bailout process, remember how no one could make more than the President if they took our tax money? Remember Chris Dodd putting in an amendment allowing payment of contractual bonuses????? Yup, you heard right. Dodd put that amendment in and now-----I don't remember doing that. Ya. right! SCUMBAG!

  2. A few posts down you woulda seen this quote below, I know this shit gets discombobulated and who has time to read it all.....:

    "Chris Dodd wrote the damn provision in the bail out to protect these freakin bonuses for everyone's information.

    So again these shit heads in congress are the ones who should commit suicide as the bonuses are contractually required to be payed, this is America not Argentina or pro sports where contracts are just torn up.

  3. "Her Royal Thighness", LMAO !!!

  4. I like that one too, a friend of mine came up with that a long time ago, DD2 at Our World As We See It


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