> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Bush Schools Obama and his Minions With Some Class

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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Bush Schools Obama and his Minions With Some Class

News flash you no class bums now occupying the ruling party in Washington;

You people have without a doubt demonstrated your complete lack of class and dignity through your disastrous treatment of our most beloved ally and their Prime Minister Gordon Brown, as well as your repeated childish dismissal for presidential protocol and simple respect by repeatedly criticizing and outright demeaning the preceding two term president who's jock you couldn't fill on a good day Mandingo man.

Today president Bush taught you people a lesson that should be received loud and clear and that is that you people should treat the previous president in the same manner you would wish to be treated and spoken of on foreign soil and on the homeland as well..

Now for a less civilized Chicago Ray smackdown message to that group of slugs;, were I president Bush and given the opportunity to walk through that door as was presented to him this afternoon up in Canada I wouldn't have walked through it either, I woulda broke the fkng thing down to tear you failing, flailing and floundering punks a lesson you'd never forget.

So president Bush again has shown the world to be a man of both honor, dignity and class which are three qualities this moron on DC will never have.

Now for the article and our obligatory pictures of Canadian left wing loons who showed up instead of at the Calgary unemployment office which he looks like they should have been at but to somehow harass president Bush if given the opportunity, f'n piece of Canadian scum

Just get a load of the greasy slithering slime who looks the Unabomber on crack, what a lowlife who looks what passes as a college professor these days and that's no joke.

Bush refuses to criticize Obama in Canada:

"CALGARY, Alberta
– Former President George W. Bush said he won't criticize President Barack Obama because Obama 'deserves my silence,' and said he plans to write a book about the 12 toughest decisions he made in office. Bush declined to critique the Obama administration Tuesday in his first speech since leaving office. Former Vice President Dick Cheney has said that Obama's decisions are threatening America's safety.

'I'm not going to spend my time criticizing him. There are plenty of critics in the arena,' Bush said. 'He deserves my silence.'

Bush said he wants Obama to succeed and said it's important that he has that support. Talk-show host Rush Limbaugh has said he hoped Obama would fail.

'I love my country a lot more than I love politics,' Bush said. 'I think it is essential that he be helped in office.'"

Bush said that he doesn't know what he will do in the long term but that he will write a book that will ask people to consider what they would do if they had to protect the United State as president.

He said it will be fun to write and that "it's going to be (about) the 12 toughest decisions I had to make."

"I'm going to put people in my place, so when the history of this administration is written at least there's an authoritarian voice saying exactly what happened," Bush said.

"I want people to understand what it was like to sit in the Oval Office and have them come in and say we have captured Khalid Sheik Mohammed, the mastermind of the Sept. 11 attacks, the alleged killer of a guy named Danny Pearl because he was simply Jewish, and we think we have information on further attacks on the United States."

Bush didn't specify what the 12 hardest decisions were but said Iraq is better off without Saddam Hussein in power.

Bush was also full of jokes throughout his speech and during a question and answer session with former Canadian Ambassador in Washington Frank McKenna.

He joked that he would do more speeches to pay for his new house in Dallas.

"I actually paid for a house last fall. I think I'm the only American to have bought a house in the fall of 2008," he quipped.

He added that he would do whatever former first lady Laura Bush asked him to do.

He also said his mother is doing well. Barbara Bush was released from a Houston hospital Friday, nine days after undergoing heart surgery.
"Clearly he can't live without her," Bush said of his father and former President George H.W. Bus


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. Halloween is another seven months away Mr. Greasy Slimeball. Bush does have class. I would have had to bite my lip.

  2. Isnt that guy a typical smelly assed bum> a total William Ayers type

  3. Democrats do not know what it is to have class. They are too damned self-centered to even really care about others.

    It is the Democrats who have ruined this country, with the help of Republicans who didn't have the gonads to stand up to the Dems.

  4. I could have SWORN that I saw bugs crawling around that creeps hair. EEEEEEEWWWWWWWW!

    President Bush has a lot more self-control than I have. I refuse to bite MY tongue. The halfrican deserves to be tongue-lashed severely and I am glad to do my share.

  5. To RevGreg: "It is the Democrats who have ruined this country, with the help of Republicans who didn't have the gonads to stand up to the Dems."

    Absolutely correct, I don't absolve the republicans in any way whatsoever as they let this crap happen by not defending Bush and the Iraq war, all because they were all too worried about getting re elected. Now they're all gone and the new crop is a bunch of pussies too.....


    To AA, these protester typed are the unbathed scum amongst us all and I for one am sick and tired of the worthless jobless dickless wonders that make up those ranks. And I too would have unleashed like I said here

    "were I president Bush and given the opportunity to walk through that door as was presented to him this afternoon up in Canada I wouldn't have walked through it either, I woulda broke the fkng thing down to tear you failing, flailing and floundering punks a lesson you'd never forget."

  6. I'm not that big fan of Pres. Bush, and I must admit I (in certain ways) am okay with Obama, I do admire Bush's way of handling things. He's quite the politician, patient and wise in his own right. I'm not the most opinionated person, but when certain things tick me off I have to say something. I could never bite my tongue like he did.


  7. IMEE people will come to respect Bush as time shows Obama's bumbling in many ways proves the job is almost un doable and Bush handled it like a real pro in many tough times.


Some rules: No leftwing attacks nor Obama supporters so don't waste you're time & especially mine. All 99% others welcome to have your say.

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