> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Beck Colbert War On Chins Underway

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Saturday, March 7, 2009

Beck Colbert War On Chins Underway

Two videos below the first being liberal fake news hero Stephen Colbert (who I really hate with a passion reserved only for Babs Streisand, Rosie O'Donnell and The Messiah) starting a little war with Glenn Beck, A man who's become quite a sensation since leaving the Clinton News Network and joining Fox.

An network where there's an actual live thinking and breathing audience as Colbert does what liberals do best when they can't win an argument, that being starting in with the personal attacks and name calling which is the same why I won't publish any left wing comments anymore by the way:If you can bear to watch the guy it put's Becks retort in perspective, but he also covers it in his reply so if you must, then skip sackless Colbert

So Beck in his own way hit back at the genital lacking wonder Colbert Friday night with this little self deprecating rant of his own in case you missed it/.(Yes, Beck does have a little double chin thing going on there, but not all of us men out here are fastidious skinny little homosexuals like Colbert)


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. "starting in with the personal attacks and name calling"


    "sackless Colbert"

    "genital lacking wonder Colbert"

    "fastidious skinny little homosexuals like Colbert"

  2. can't argue with that assessment, it's not name calling when it's fact.

  3. But it's not fact. You're being smug because you did the exact thing you accused "libs" of always doing.

  4. That's why I did it, to accentuate the point that his humor is derived from attacking others' looks and behaviors which is what he was doing attacking Glen Beck and his chin, and that's all he does.

    A common theme with him when I post Colbert's crud you would know if you read more than one post.

    That's why I don't allow "one post" liberals to start arguments here as you can see. Because each post here interconnects with a general theme, and this post is a month old to boot

    The last thing I do is waste my valuable time arguing with some kid who's contribution to the internet consists of this....

    "I Should Punch you in the God Damn Mouth"

    just so you have a blogger account to troll around on blogs leaving annoying little crumbs everywhere


Some rules: No leftwing attacks nor Obama supporters so don't waste you're time & especially mine. All 99% others welcome to have your say.

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