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Saturday, March 7, 2009

African Python Email Making The Rounds Again...

This goes all the way back to 2005 but it keeps regurgitating itself as a new story as new people come on to the internet which are millions by the day I suppose. So I saw it myself for the first time last year when an email was sent with the following pictures and description that has been verified time and time again as people find it incredible as did I when I first saw it which is why I can tell the background of it all from memory.

Seems a Chinese farmer was waking up each day missing more and more sheep from his flock. Not knowing what the culprits were he erected an electric fence around the area in question which contained the sheep. And not long thereafter went out to the herd and then discovered this behemoth.||

Well, this is a Python & they're extremely aggressive & have a few teeth that they use to hold their prey while they wrap around them & then constrict. Could you get away if this one bit you & held on with it's 'few teeth?' (Note: The wires are 10 inches apart.)

This is what really happened according to investigating by Snopes.com which most of the time are pretty reliable in their final assessments, unless Obama is the object of scrutiny.

The photographs originated from the Silent Valley Game Ranch in South Africa, and the snake had actually eaten an Impala, not the car but an Impala Ewe and was trying to go through the electrical fence when it was killed by the live current. Here you can go and see what was removed from the inside of the snake at the Silent Valley Web Site.

From BluePlanetBiomes.com...It's an African rock python and it lives in the tropical African savanna that stretches through Africa like a belt. Savannas have rolling plains of tall grasses and scattered trees. Winter begins in December and ends in Febuary; summer starts in May and ends in December. In the summer savannas have 6 -8 months of heavy rainfall, and very dry months in the winter. It has a constant, warm climate and is mostly 70°F. The African rock python likes to be near water and the edges of forests.

At 30 ft. in length, it is the third largest snake in the world continued


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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