> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Race Card Part 2/ Darnell Cole, MATC College President Chucked for DUI

Today's world headlines

Friday, February 20, 2009

Race Card Part 2/ Darnell Cole, MATC College President Chucked for DUI

Instance two is a Black College president who was booted from his job because of receiving a DUI up in Wisconsin and of coarse out comes the race card when the college votes to get rid of the man when his supporters claim that he is just being fired for the DUI being the excuse!! Yes, I guess that would be the excuse, do they need another one? I don;t get the racism argument these people present. They argue that the board was wanting to fire him before this and this incident was the excuse they were looking for!!!

"I feel there are people who are only using this as a means to facilitate the removal of Dr. Cole, so if it wasn't this it would have been something else they would like to use."

DOH DUH that's how and why anyone gets fired you stupid asses

They spend so little time working they don't understand that people get fired all the time for all kinds of reasons and just because you're black doesn't shield you from being fired, and then when it does happen for whatever reason it isn't automatically racism..

It could just be that this guy or whoever the person effected is just too drunk and stupid for the job whatever color he or she happens to be, did you ever think of that you idiots? Of coarse not because they've all been conditioned to blame racism for all their failures by Jesse and his Jesters.

Cole Ousted as MATC President

| Newsradio 620 -

Darnell Cole is out as President of MATC. The school board voted late Thursday to remove him from the post because of his drunk driving arrest from earlier this month.

Some, like those on the school newspaper, say the arrest reflects poorly on the school.

"The editorial board felt that it's not proper for him to continue on, that it's a really poor reflection on us as students and as a school as a whole," says MATC Times Editor Alexis Scheel.

Those who remained supportive of Cole rallied in support outside the school before the board meeting where he was ousted. Community Organizer Lamonte Harris believes Cole was targeted because of his race.

"I feel there are people who are only using this as a means to facilitate the removal of Dr. Cole, so if it wasn't this it would have been something else they would like to use."

Cole will be paid through the end of the month. His termination is effective as of Thursday night. Provost Vicki Martin will be asked to act as interim President.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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