> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Race Cards Being Pulled Across the Country

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Friday, February 20, 2009

Race Cards Being Pulled Across the Country

We have 2 instances here today of the race card being pulled by African Americans in positions of power, both using Obama and race as an excuse to dismiss bad behavior in one case and in the other labeling opposition to the Porkulus or stimulus package as an "Affront To The African American community" or in other plain words, racism!

So in case number one directly below we have a South Carolina congressman of African American descent labeling governors across the nation and in the south particularly as "racists" because they are opposed to the flat out handout and welfare payoff to the liberal wish list and essentially the African American community called "Stimulus" as racism.. A flat out baseless charge as it's done to protect the preponderance of Americans who are tax paying and hard working citizens of all colors, religions, ideologies and creeds from generational theft by Obama simply handed over to the non working welfare class to garner future votes. How is that racism?

It's more like opposition to Socialism that Joe The Plumber warned America of that Obama vociferously denied or I should say lied about, that "speading of the wealth". So just because a little over half of the country was stupid enough to buy that shit, we're not footing the bill.

Maybe in this dreamworld set up by Obama's lofty promises topeople ignorant enough to think it would be smooth sailing right to the welfare office for a big raise opposition might be racism, when in reality it was nothing but political promises that are nothing more than billion dollar handouts, something 140 million Americans out here didn't sign up for, and therefore won't be silently paying for as long as we can help it.

So, we must be racists because we work hard for a living , pay our mortgages with our other obligations only living to our means like responsible adults and Americans should do, and don't wish to pay for those who shouldn't have gotten mortgages and fancy cars they couldn't afford in the first place and will just need another handout in 6 months to stay where they are now. It's a never ending cycle of gimme gimme gimme because these people thought Obama woudl answer their prayers and fulfill all the promise land bullshit these politicians and reverends promised these communities if the just kept electing them to office.

Rep: Opposition to stimulus is slap in face:

"COLUMBIA, S.C. – The highest-ranking black congressman said Thursday that opposition to the federal stimulus package by southern GOP governors is 'a slap in the face of African-Americans.'

U.S. Rep. James Clyburn, D-S.C., said he was insulted when the governors of Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi and his home state, which have large black populations, said they might not accept some of the money from the $787 billion stimulus package.

Texas Gov. Rick Perry said Wednesday he would accept the money, and none of the others has rejected it outright. The Republican governors of Idaho and Alaska also said they had reservations about whether the money would come with too many strings attached, but Clyburn said he was particularly taken aback by southern governors who said they might decline it.

'These four governors represent states that are in the proverbial black belt,' Clyburn said."continued on and on


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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