> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: From Rev Manning Comes This Photoshop

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Thursday, February 19, 2009

From Rev Manning Comes This Photoshop

I'm sorry but that man has me rolling in the aisles for his disdain for Barack Obama as demontrated by the videos he makes, especially this one I just posted below in the "Chimpanzee being killed rundown" that Rev Sharpton has turned into an Obama smear as the post is dedicated to.

Many who know Manning's "work" know he refers to Obama as a "Mack Daddy" which I surmise is a kind of "Pimp" like adjective he uses to describe Obama, as a Long legged Mack Daddy, you can hear that int he video below and his other daily rants found here.

This Photoshop was captured by me from the video in again the raging chimpanzee story a few posts down from Wednesday:

Here's Manning's website( a well known black Harlem reverend for those unaware of his existence and background) He's as much of a Reverend as JJ, his son Triple J or Al Sharpton for those who criticize Manning's credentials. He's actually written me an email thanking me for psoting his rants from time to time...lol


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. He is the Mack Daddy and The REv has got his number Dude...

  2. This is great. Laughed my butt of. He can see what is real.

  3. He's a tool but he speaks the truth Soldier and his video in the previous post is so full of truth it hurts and makes me laugh my a** off

  4. The man has a gift to tell it like it is, and how sad that is because every word he says is true. To make you laugh at the same time while he scares the hell out of you. The man is great
    God speed Rev...

  5. I couldn't agree more Anonymous his latest Savage Rant was a real hoot as well, as far as Obama goes, no one has the long legged mackdaddy pegged better than THAT TRUE AFRICAN AMERICAN.....I love the guy and write him often..


Some rules: No leftwing attacks nor Obama supporters so don't waste you're time & especially mine. All 99% others welcome to have your say.

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