> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: "To All The Little People That Made This Possible, Thanks For The Dough"....Obama says with Ring Purchase

Today's world headlines

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

"To All The Little People That Made This Possible, Thanks For The Dough"....Obama says with Ring Purchase

This from the man who promises his followers, America and anyone else gullible enough to listen an entire campaign based on Hope and Change, .. He's empaneled basically a Clinton administration as opposed to his own people so far, there's so many unanswered questions already swirling around him regarded campaign finances amongst many who feel he has without a doubt lined his pockets for the future after this mammoth record illegal campaign haul, Let's not even mention the upcoming Supreme Court hearing and these immigrant status questions that will never go away and he goes and publicly does something dumb like this.

Obama sure is a guy that makes some real poor decisions more often than not, from the friends he's kept to the church he belonged to and the list goes on and on.

In fact so mammoth of campaign contributions that they, we, he can't even keep up with where the money's going, where it's been and where it even came from. You can bet your bling coated booties that much of it will end up in the Obama's loot and cha ching pile along with many others on that team, although I'm sure this little chunk more than likely came from Obama's bank book for now. Why not when it's certain it'll be replaced at later date in spades galore no doubt..

I've said it before and it bears repeating here again for the 20th on this blog alone:
Republicans get rich and then run for public office while Democrats run for public office and get rich. Obama and the Clinton's are perfect examples of this and Obama's little dynasty is just getting started here.

A little Bling for the Blingstress I guess is alright with all those disingenuous bitching liberals who cried rivers of crocodile tears when Sarah Palin was provided, not bought, but provided with clothing to wear during the campaign, clothing and not excessive bling like this obviously is, which by all accounts has all been returned and donated to charity as originally planned.

Think Obama coulda' spent a little bit more on charity over the recent years if he's got the dough to buy this gaudy looking rapstress piece of bling? Something that's probably worth 10 to 20 times the amount spent on the wedding ring he likely gave her. This little act demonstrates what hypocrites liberals can be and most are ... In fact the money he has spent here surpasses the entire amount of money given by the Obama's to charity for a 5 year span by 20 times, yes count it........ 20 times!!!!

Again, what hypocrites.....it's always alright for democrats to demand more and more money from starving taxpayers, but not ever from their obviously deep pocketbooks. That scratch is only to be spend on themselves lavishly, screw the needy and how an act so quickly after election like this would obviously look to his supporters who supposedly gave so much money of their proprtionate money to his campaign. And please... I don't wanna hear a peep about all this so called "charity community organizing" he did over the years, as it was obviously for a reason and that was to build his street cred and resume as a man of giving qualities so it's hardly countable as genuine from the heart "charitable time" in lieu of monies not contributed.

The Obama's also neglected to give one dime to his campaign....oh wait let me correct that; Michelle gave $399, and his Aunt on welfare up in Boston donated exactly $5 three times, and his now dead under still under the bus the bus granny in Hawaii donated $2300 more than Obama did, which was a big fat frigging ZERO.

Oh, and by the way do any of you think we're gonna see and hear anything of this news in the US main stream media, like leading the Tuesday 5 O'Clock news across the alphabet as the the Palin story did for weeks after weeks? Yeah right.........gimme a break. As you can see from my blog here alone, all the Obama information on this front page has mostly comes from foreign websites and publications, all the damaging information usually from British papers alone.

Barack Obama to buy rare £20,000 gold ring for his wife to say 'thanks for your support'

Mail Online: "Michelle Obama is to receive this £20,000 thank you from her husband for her support during the election.

The Harmony ring is made of rhodium - the world's most expensive metal --and encrusted with diamonds. It is being hastily made by Italian designer Giovanni Bosco in time for January's inauguration ceremony.

Only about 25 tons of rhodium are mined each year, mostly in South Africa, and as a result its price is typically around £5,000 an ounce."

The stunning thank you ring is made by top Italian designer Giovanni Bosco, who are based at Valenza Po near Alessandria and who counts a select list of VIPS's and celebrities as his clients.

Rhodium is one of the world's most precious metals and as a result only about 25 tons are mined each year and as a result it's price is higher than gold - typically being around £5000 an ounce continued..

Pay particular attention to the very astute comments which will grow into the thousands as the day progresses I'm betting, although they've refused to publish mine thus far.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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