Judging by the actions and words of today's modern liberal this country will be celebrating 911 with radical Muslims on every US street corner by the end of Obama's first term if there is one, not remembering it as we do now. As they themselves feel the time has come to blow 911 to the memory hole since they of coarse believe the poor terrorists are just misunderstood, that 911 was the fault of America and not radical Islamic animals, and for us to continue 911 remembrances upset the Muslim brothers, mothers, fathers and sisters of those radicals that liive in the US and elsewhere.
To them all I say tough shit and over my dead body along with millions of other Patriots will that day of 3000 forgotten souls ever come as they wish, the day when America doesn't bow it's heads and pray for the souls of those lost on DEcember 7th, September 11th and all the days in between we've lost warriors to the defense of freedom and this republic which it stands, one nation UNDER GOD, idivisible with liberty and justice for all. .
The difference between then and now is the more liberal Democratic Americans of that day held somewhat different views as conservatives yet still supported and loved their country and got behind the war effort entirely across the board, understanding that it was indeed a battle for civilization then that required all Americans to work together which they did. This of coarse unlike the liberals of today who spend more time defending, aiding and abetting the enemy in the war against terror than they do their own country in it's defense of these freedoms mant take fro granted, not to mention all of it's finest in harms way defending our way of life against radical Islam, the enemy of freedom around the world and here today.
In addition, please don't ever forget what these people of no class nor sense of patriotic duty towards the office did to our president George W Bush nearly every day and every step of the way since 911, the very president who lost years and years of sleep, busting his ass along with his wrongly hated administration protecting us the only way he knew how and only way he could, that kept both us and them safe for these 7 long years in the face of danger after 911.
Now the expect Americans to respect the president they just barely elected, so they better pray that this Non naturalized American Muslim agent of change they want as our next president does the same damn thing each and every day without a single misstep, or he just like they will become roadkill for the terrorists at the very least and our blood will be on his and their hands for electing him and allowing him to undo whatever it is that Bush did to keep us safe during this time, period.

Don't be fooled by Obama's slick new looking package like half the country, or the Red Diaper Doper Babies just bought as it's the same old shit we fought at Pearl Harbor wrapped in a different container this time is all.
From the Boston Globe a rare surviving vet tells us his story:
Fewer veterans to tell story of Pearl Harbor
-- Newsday.com: BY CARL MACGOWAN | carl.macgowan@newsday.com
9:48 PM EST, December 6, 2008
On a Saturday night in Oahu long ago, Arthur Zaccaria and some Army buddies planned to go down to Pearl Harbor and meet four sailors aboard the USS Arizona. They were carefree on Dec. 6, 1941.
Zaccaria, 20, an infantryman then from Richmond Hill, Queens, instead went to Honolulu that night, then returned to his bunk at the Schofield Barracks about 30 miles away.
Less than seven hours later, at 7:55 Sunday morning, Japanese warplanes unleashed the attack that would mark the U.S. entry into World War II. More than 2,335 soldiers, sailors and Marines died, along with 68 civilians.
Among the missing and presumed dead, Zaccaria later learned, were the four sailors he was supposed to meet on the Arizona, which was sunk."
"Those four fellows ... on the ship, they never found their names on the roster," said Zaccaria, 87, of Holbrook. His voice choked up at the memory, "So they were listed as missing in action."
Long Island chapter
Sunday, on the 67th anniversary of the day that would live in infamy, fewer Long Islanders are alive to tell stories like Zaccaria's.
The Nassau-Suffolk chapter of the Pearl Harbor Survivors Association now has six members. Three died this year. At its peak in the mid-1970s, Chapter 135 had about 38 members, said president Bill Halleran, 90, of North Merrick.
All too often, he said, he attends funerals for old comrades in arms. "That's one job I don't like," he said. continued here, photos and other historical info

That's exactly why CAIR and other Muslim terror front organizations are here operating with impunity softening up the weakest and gullible of Americans for the next big blow that's sure to come in their war against the we here in the west that liberals don't believe is real, and the ones that do believe it don't have the 'nads or stomach to let those of us that do to fully execute, even after the homeland slaughter on 911.
So we now sit like little cute ducks in a row awaiting the next attack now that liberals put a Muslim sympathizer in the Oval Office even with the Muslim name Hussein, to supposedly protect us and our country against his Muslim brethren, all the while he telegraphs his intentions to the world which also include our enemies and pulls troops fighting in their own backyards so the enemy can then come here and fight us in ours just to placate the far lunatic left fringe that voited for him.. Sure, I get it Barack Hussein Obama.
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