As a smoker myself I can attest that this habit is the hardest one anyone can break and my bet is that this is just another big lie from Obama the liar as he knows he already got away with smoking on the campaign trail while pretending he quit with a complicit media that could've busted him far sooner than they did and came down much harder on him for lying about such a big health concern like that which would've changed many voters' minds about him and simply didn't until here.
Just like they didn't report the news they were all well aware of that this man had absolutely no right running for the office of president due to his birth status, and now it's become quite clear they agreed to just let it go figuring if he won the election it would just be far too late to do anything about it which is now morphing into the argument, as they slide towards admitting it and claiming this exact argument .
Now the threat from the left field pundits defending Obama is "the uproar will be astronomical, riots everywhere if the peoples voices are overturned by 5 justices like they were in 2000". My question is what's to say there won't be riots if he's allowed to circumvent the constitution as he's gotten away with without any ramifications whatsoever? Don't be so sure it won't happen as there's an awful of us out here who are demanding we be heard and it's no small minority to be ignored as the government has done thus far.
Not to mention the questions many have about his past and possible continued drug usage no one in the MSM saw fit to concern themselves with while other presidents were nearly destroyed for bad behavior clearly in their pasts while Obama's is still undetermined. He even ran from the gay sex and drug charge leveled from Larry Sinclaire that was mysteriously not met with a libel suit that one would expect to be filed where he an outright liar and story teller like Obama's minions and supporters would like everyone to believe.,
He's even publishing a book that again one would think would be far from publishable if it were filled with lies and unproven innuendo as the Obamorons claim it to be.

My Way News - Obama pledges not to smoke in White House:
"WASHINGTON (AP) - Barack Obama says you won't catch him lighting up a cigarette in the smoke-free White House.
'There are times where I've fallen off the wagon,' the president-elect said when asked in a broadcast interview whether he has kicked the habit.
'I've done a terrific job, under the circumstances, of making myself much healthier,' he said. 'And I think that you will not see any violations of these rules in the White House,' he said on Sunday's 'Meet the Press' on NBC.
Obama told the magazine Men's Health in an interview for its November issue that he wished he had more time for staying fit and that he still occasionally smoked a cigarette.
Obama said in that interview that he had bummed a cigarette a couple of times during the campaign. 'But I figure, seeing as I'm running for president, I need to cut myself a little slack,' he said."
Why is that Obama? Your suppose to be a cut or two above the rest of us poor little mere mortal serfs, your the Messiah, the One, remember? How could he forget.
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