> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: What Kind Of Mental Midget Needs a Teleprompter at a Damn Rodeo? HusseinTex Obama Does , That's Who.

Today's world headlines

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

What Kind Of Mental Midget Needs a Teleprompter at a Damn Rodeo? HusseinTex Obama Does , That's Who.

No Not George Bush, not John McCain, but Mr Change, that great orator, unparalelled in the modern era in speech giving, he who is so accomplished and a master of the craft has now taken to another unparalelled action as far as supposed outdoor spontaneous events go. That would be the use of teleprompters just to make sure he says everything he means and says it perfectly for all the history books in the future I guess, so Tex Obama will now use them at all future events from here on out, just to make sure the record is clear...

That's the way they'll try to spin this in the media, answering the question as to why this so called speech giving Messiah needs a teleprompter to cue him in on what it is he needs to get across to the voters. "The Great Barry Obama, why he's such a perfectionist that even at local rodeo's he apparently finds this a necessary evil" Brian Williams, Keith Olbermann, Andrea Mitchell, Katy Couric and the rest of the Obama presscorp will be saying in unison to cover up this obviously embarrassing development for anyone but Obama that is.

But I say all good and convincing puppets have a master pulling the strings, and this proves he's no different than any others out there, puppets that is, the human version of Charlie McCarthy.

It's no wonder he avoided the town hall meeting
offer like the plague the day after his nomination by the more accomplished and confident John McCain. They haven't developed a teleprompter small enough to wear aound ones neck like the version he would need to competerin the same arena with McCain, a man who hates teleprompters about as much as he hates North Vietnamese soldiers and avoids their use at all costs.

Here's a shot of Tex Obama at a rodeo yesterday within his new format with teleprompter in plain view.:

Handlers Muzzle Barack?

Suddenly Using Teleprompter On Campaign Trail?

| NewsBusters.org: "The campaign handlers for Barack Obama have obviously decided that there will be no more failed jokes ala Kerry's 'stupid kids get stuck in Iraq' faux pas of the 2006 campaign. Barack apparently blew his chance for ostensible extemporaneous elocution after his failed 'lip stick on a pig' joke went over like a lead balloon last week. According to CNN, Obama is suddenly speaking from a teleprompter at outdoor campaign rallies.

One can just imagine how McCain would be eviscerated by the press if he had to start using a teleprompter at the average campaign stop. What sort of 'senility' jokes would the press be filled with at that point? One can just guess that this news will be greeted with a yawn even though it seems to be a pretty strong curtailment of Obama's freedom to speak extemporaneously on the stump." continued


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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