> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: When Will The MSM Touch On This Subject?

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Saturday, February 23, 2008

When Will The MSM Touch On This Subject?

That being the religious radicals that Barack likes to hang out with on many Sundays here in Chicago, participating and belonging to a church assemblage that is certainly far from the mainstream and teeters on the verge of being a radical hate cult by many American peoples standards.

Then of coarse we know most liberals have no standards and therefore are simply unaffected by this revelation but many others will not be if they are ever informed of this relationship by the sycophant Obama a**kissing media.

Barack's Mentor, the Radical Rev Wright
Obama's disturbing Africentrism: "By Floyd and Mary Beth Brown

WorldNetDaily Saturday: Barack Obama's church, Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago (radical website here), which he has attended since 1991, has some very unique and disturbing ideas and beliefs. It is a self-proclaimed Africentric Christian church, which means its members embrace their connection with Africa, and its teachings are centered on all things African and African culture.

"This is the church where Obama converted to the Christian faith, and it has now grown to over 5,000 members. The mainstream media have ignored discussing this important influence on the presumptive Democratic nominee. It needs a full examination.

Africentric beliefs place an emphasis on identifying African presence in the Bible. The church offers classes in Swahili, and it has youth programs for young men and women, Intonjane and Isuthu, Swahili words for entering manhood and womanhood. Kwanzaa, the African-focused holiday created in the 1960s is observed by congregants along with a Thanksgiving Day service called Umoja Karamu. This special service tells the story of the black family starting from its West African origins to present day using drums, storytelling and dancing.

Trinity emphasizes the African roots of Christianity in its Bible classes. One example they like to use is the story about the Ethiopian eunuch in Acts 8. Traditional African clothing is worn by the pastor and some members. Also, other African symbols such as the pan-African flag are prominently displayed. continued


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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