> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: This Is Why Airports Security Must Be AsTough As Possible, It Only Takes One

Today's world headlines

Saturday, February 23, 2008

This Is Why Airports Security Must Be AsTough As Possible, It Only Takes One

People like this are sadly why you, I and everyone else must be thoroughly scrutinized at airports around the country and world for that matter, although this particular case and most of the individuals caught along with the 19 hijackers were all of a certain type that were our airport screeners allowed to utilize terrorist profiling 99% of the flying passengers would not have to be so terribly and unnecessarily inconvenienced.

It's certainly sad that a certain racial and ethnic group must suffer for their bottom feeders but it's from their own that these problems and predicaments we find ourselves in today in regards to terror threats are coming from, so how many people will have to die the next time in the name of political correctness as the terrorists gleefully exploit this very weakness in our culture today. An unwillingness to hurt any body's feelings at seemingly any cost whatsoever.

The little trick hollowed out book trick utilized by this possible terrorist dry runner or just simpleton idiot if his excuse is to be believed, is one of which has been used and seen in all kinds of movies and TV shows before, where sadly most terrorists and their ilk seemingly get their most creative ideas.

Ideas that due to our societal transparency innocently come from movie and book writers in Hollywood and other western generated brainpower, as lord knows most of these camel riding idiots aren't smart enough to come up with most of these terror plots and ideas on their own, that's for damn sure.

TIA Passenger Had Box Cutter In Hollowed-Out Book:

The Suncoast News "TAMPA - A 21-year-old Clearwater man was arrested at Tampa International Airport this weekend after security personnel found a box cutter in a hollowed-out book, authorities said.

Benjamin Baines Jr.

If convicted, Baines faces up to 10 years in prison and up to a $250,000 fine for a federal charge of attempting to board an airplane with a concealed dangerous weapon. He is currently serving a 30 day
sentence after pleading guilty Monday to a state misdemeanor charge of carrying a concealed weapon.

About 7:30 a.m. Sunday, airport security ran Benjamin Baines Jr.'s backpack through an X-ray machine and saw the image of a box cutter, according to a report from the Transportation Security Administration.

When searching the backpack, a security officer found a book titled 'Fear Itself.' The book was hollowed out, and the box cutter was inside.

After Baines was read his rights, he said his cousin had cut away the pages to make the hollow section in the book. Later, reports state, he said he had hollowed it out himself to hide money and marijuana from his roommates.

Baines told officers he was moving to Las Vegas and forgot the cutter was in the book.
Officers found books in the backpack titled 'Muhammad in the Bible,' 'The Prophet's Prayer' and 'The Noble Qur'a"

Nice reading selection for a supposed American on a routine flight with a hidden box cutter isn't it? Maybe some liberal suckers might believe that crock of crap but I sure as hell don't in a heartbeat. Jail time for this guy sounds appropriate so he can be locked up for a spell to do some thinking.

One bad side to this alternative will sadly be that he'll be locked up with even more idiots, many of them reading the Koran in their spare time because life isn't treating them so good, so naturally they want to take out their misery on the innocent and on others and Islam offers them the perfect avenue to do just that. The religion of peace.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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