> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: More Ridiculous PC Driven BS Shoved Down America's Throats

Today's world headlines

Saturday, February 23, 2008

More Ridiculous PC Driven BS Shoved Down America's Throats

This time it's coming from an African American politician who wants to outlaw of all frigging things nooses if you can believe this. All because a bunch of opportunistic black leaders who we all know too well take advantage of a falsely created crisis down in Jena (do read the link as it is quite informative regarding that cooked up Jesse and Al scam thank to Patrick Buchanan's research) and I do mean falsely created to simultaneously cash in and also create more black and white divisiveness in order for Jesse and Al to stay relevant.

In fact, many of the alleged noose incidents that took place in the aftermath of that scam that this lawmaker is using for the basis of this ridiculous 1st amendment infringement were ultimately proven to be baseless hoaxes placed by the supposed "victims" themselves in the first place, so as a result of those con jobs the rest of America has to be treated like children who cannot be trusted with a length of rope formed in any damn configuration we wish to utilize any time we want? I don't think so brother, not in America. Nice try.

The abominable legacy of the nooses and inhumane lynchings in America's past is well known and regretted by myself as well as I'm sure every other red blooded American despite the lack of complicity of any living Americans in those past tragedies, so let's please stop trying to cash in on misdeeds of the past more primitive centuries and move forward if we please.
Hang A Noose, Head To Jail

Lawmaker wants rope formation outlawed


Should the issue of hanging nooses become a legal issue where the state can punish offenders?

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) - Hanging a noose in public could be against the law under a bill filed by a black Florida state lawmaker.

It's a reaction to recent intimidating uses of the lynching symbol.

The bill was filed last week. Violating the proposed law could lead to up to a year in jail."

Six black students from Jena High School in Louisiana were charged with attempted murder after a 2006 assault on a white student. The beating came months after three other white students were suspended -- but not criminally charged -- for hanging nooses in a tree at the school.

The American Civil Liberties Union of Florida says it would not support the bill because of the way it could infringe on First Amendment rights.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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