> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Liberal Protester Takes One To The Head

Today's world headlines

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Liberal Protester Takes One To The Head

I don't enjoy seeing anyone injured at any time, however, this is sadly what can happen when one travels half way around the world, leaving the safety and comfort of the US hoping to add some back home liberal protester street cred while supporting the often times terrorist Palestinians in their attempts to evict Israel from Israel.

A most famous incident involving American Rachel Corey pictured to the left, a protester from the US in Gaza who was tragically killed accidentally by a IDF Caterpillar bulldozer obviously didn't have much effect on this man below, and fortunately for him he was only hit with a rubber bullet instead of a real one in which case he wouldn't be here to talk about his travels.

All this so he can fit in at the next protest wherever that may be telling his "anti establishment" war stories of his world travels remaking the globe in the liberal Utopian dream image.
Shanbo Heinemann, a pro-Palestinian activist from San Francisco, California, sits on the ground after being shot in the head with a rubber bullet fired by Israeli troops during a violent protest against Israel's security fence in the West Bank village of Bilin, February 22, 2008.

REUTERS/Yannis Behrakis


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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