As fruitless an effort as it may at times seem, doing absolutely nothing naturally produces exactly the same results, absolutely nothing. This is what the illegal alien loving Mexican lobby and our government are counting on, that most Americans will do nothing about this problem allowing it to grow to proportions that are irreversible, thus causing all to throw their hands up in disgust and give up the good fight.

So without further adieu, here's this weeks Blogs For Borders Blogburst:
In this weeks edition:
- Does America “owe” the citizens of foreign nations jobs and money? And…NAFTA, was it really a bad thing?
- Plus, our interview with Phyllis Schlafly
- 100% Preventable! American citizens continue to suffer and die due to open borders! When will the madness end?
Download for your Ipod here.
This has been the Blogs For Borders Video Blogburst. The Blogs For Borders Blogroll is dedicated to American sovereignty, border security and a sane immigration policy. If you’d like to join find out how right here.
Technorati Tags: illegal immigration, vlog, podcast, deportation, invasion, mexico, nafta,
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